Chapter 23 Home

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Touya was feeling terrible that morning he had drank the night before. He clutched at his head it was throbbing. The man felt like someone was repeatedly punching him in the head multiple times. Touya groaned in pain Shiagaraki sighed handing him a pill to relieve his pain. He also grabbed a water bottle setting it beside his husband. "Why do you do this?" Shigaraki asked he didn't understand why Touya was so dependant on alcohol. He hadn't even had any stress or felt the need to get drunk. Yet, here they were.

Touya didn't answer him too busy with his head throbbing really badly. He put the pill in his mouth he drank some water before swallowing it. Touya laid his head against the back of the seat the medicine wouldn't kick in for a while. Shigaraki pulled him into his lap he ran his fingers threw Touya's hair trying to get him to relax. It seemed to work as Touya fell asleep in his lap a few minutes later. "Magne get rid of all the alcohol." Shiagaraki said Magne nodded gathering all they had in the van up.

"I hate to do this to him but he needs to beat his addiction it's gone on long enough." Shiagaraki said he understood somewhat why Touya drank in stressful situations but right now nothing bad was happening to them. Shiagaraki let Touya sleep in his lap for the next two hours he occasionally left a loving kiss on his cheek or head. Touya woke up one time while Shigaraki was kissing his head. "What are ya doing?" Touya asked confused his voice was raspy from just waking up.

"Taking care of my idiot husband." Shiagaraki said playfully. "At least I'm you're husband." Touya said he chuckled he grabbed Shigaraki's face with one of his hands. Touya smashed his lips on his husband's. Shigaraki kissed back he pulled away for air eventually. "Let's go take a bathroom break, alright?" Shigaraki asked. They got gas, went to the bathroom, and got snacks before getting back into the van.

"Dabi." Shiagaraki said it get the other males attention. "Yeah?" He asked. "I had Magne throw out all the alcohol. Would you be okay with trying to become sober?" Shigaraki asked he didn't know what his response was gonna be. "Fine but only for you. I can't promise I won't relapse at some point though." Touya said surprising Shigaraki usually he just brushed him off. Touya wanted to make Shigaraki happy especially after their wedding. Plus he was tired of hangovers.

"As long as you try it'll be okay." Shigaraki said he kissed Touya to show him he was proud he was even thinking about it. Touya kissed back eagerly. Magne and Spinner watched them they both had smiles on their faces. This was a new chapter for all of them. Touya was gonna try to be sober more often which defiantly will help the newly married couple get along better than they already do. They all knew it is going to be awesome.

"I still can't believe I have to play this." Touya grumbled as he stared at the kazoo as if it offended him. "It's not out fault you broke you're trumpet." Shiagaraki said reminding him how he'd dropped it on the stage at their last show. "Well, I'm sorry the crowd was wild one of them pushed me." Touya said annoyed that his favorite instrument had been ruined. He had been reduced to playing a kazoo they'd bought at the store across the street.

"You'll be fine. The kazoo is badass anyways!" Spinner said trying to make him feel better. "Yeah, right stop trying to make me feel better lizard cause it ain't working. I'm just glad my trumpets being fixed otherwise I might set something on fire." Touya said he put the kazoo in his pocket before walking in stage after the others. He pulled it out when they were begining the show.

Touya saw his old man in the crowd he waved to him. Enji waved back he saw Natsuo laughing because of the kazoo he was holding. Touya glared at him the white haired man just laughed harder. Even usual emotionless Shouto was smiling slightly. Touya rolled his eyes trying not to smile to himself at seeing his family members happy. Enji looked proud as always that's when Touya noticed someone else in the crowd.

She had familiar grey eyes and white hair. Touya couldn't believe his mother was there. Rei was standing a few feet away from Enji she still seemed hesitant to be next to him. Not that Touya blamed her. The women had divorced Enji after she got released from the hospital she'd been put in due to her poor mental health. The Todoroki's kept in contact with him they hadn't told him Rei was going to be there though.

Touya started playing his kazoo he started at her the whole show. Shiagaraki noticed he smiled he was happy his husband was going to see his mother again. After the show Shiagaraki watched Touya walk over or his family. Tears were running down his face as he finally reconnected with his mom after ten years. Shiagaraki gazed at him fondly he was happy when Touya was happy.

Spinner slapped him on the back startling the man. "Maybe one day you'll find you're mother." Spinner said he had told them about his past trusting his band members. Shiagaraki smiled at him, "Nah, I'm good I'm over them. They left me with my dad. Besides, who needs them when I got a real family by my side?" Shigaraki asked. Spinner grinned, "Yeah, you sure as hell do." Spinner said happily.

Shigaraki ended up meeting Rei she was a nice women. She reminded Shiagaraki of Touya in lots of ways. Touya was currently back on stage with the band. Touya grabbed a hold of Shigaraki's shirt he yanked him forward. Shigaraki leaned in and smashed his lips against his husband's. The crowd cheered and applauded like they had since they were fourteen.

Shiagaraki would never forget the first time he'd seen those railroad tracks or looked into those blue eyes. The ones he loved more than anything. Also, he'd remember dancing in the mud while Touya. Holding that hand. Playing his first guitar note. The first concert he'd ever played. The people he'd met along the way. He knew in that moment that being with this man was what he considered home. He belonged where Dabi did no matter the place.

This was by far my favorite story to write. So, much of me has gone into it. I thank each and every one of  you has supported me, this story, and commented or voted. It helps me gain confidence in my writing while also keeping me doing what I do. Thanks for the support this is the end for this one. That's all for now folks go check out my other stories if you're interested!

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