Chapter 18 Intertwined

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Shigaraki stretched he had just woken up. Touya got out of the van to stand beside him he looked really happy for some reason. "What's got you so excited?" Shigaraki asked his boyfriend. "Oh, nothing you'll find out later, creep." Touya said not giving Shigaraki a proper answer. Shigaraki glared at him suspiciously when Dabi didn't tell him something it was usually important. The man decided to ignore it so he could get ready for the day.

Spinner soon came out along with Magne. Spinner was holding her hand blushing a dark shade of red. Touya snickered Magne even seemed to be blushing a little. "It's not funny!" Spinner yelled embarrassed. "You're right it's fucking hilarious." Touya said Shigaraki smacked him on the back of the head. "Ow, what the heck Shig?" Touya asked confused to why he'd been hit. "Quit being a ass get ready for the show. If we're touring with All For One we all need to be ready." Shigaraki said Touya grumbled but listened to him. They all gathered back into the van to leave.

Spinner drove them to where they were going to meet All For One. Shigaraki had managed to get his phone number from one of his friends. Shigaraki had told All For One about wanting to show him his new skills. The man had suggested they toured together. That was for only a few days but still Shigaraki was astatic. The other members were excited as well but not as much as Shigaraki. Touya almost threw up and whined the entire way there. Shigaraki understood he had a sensitive stomach but he didn't need to whine so much.

Shigaraki practically bolted out of the van as he saw All For One sitting in a chair at the restaurant they were supposed to meetup at. Touya smiled at his eager boyfriend following after him. Spinner came afterwards he was holding Magne's hand again. Touya kept the taunts he wanted to say to himself he didn't feel like getting hit on the back of the head for the second time again. Spinner was a blushing mess like he always was around Magne.

Touya had felt the same way with Shigaraki. Not that he'd admit it he just loved to tease Spinner and anyone really. Shigaraki let him up to a certain point after that he was told stop. Touya finally got up to Shigaraki who was talking with All For One. Touya rolled his eyes but he was smiling at how excited his boyfriend seemed to look. It's the most excited he'd seen him since he asked him out.

Touya was hopefully going to recreate that same look tonight with his plan. "It's amazing we actually get to tour with you!" Shigaraki said excitedly his eyes practically shined. All For One chuckled at his enthusiasm, "I'm excited as well my boy. Will will still be doing splits of our songs correct?" The man asked Shigaraki nodded. The bands decided to do a combination of their songs all of them would play during them though.

"How about we get on the road after I introduce you to my band members?" All For One asked. Shigaraki already knew them all but he didn't think it hurt anything. "Sure." He said. Two other guys came up one had purple dyed hair he looked more at home at a fancy dinner then in a punk band. The other one was really tall blonde hair spiked up to what looked like rabbit ears.

"My name's All Might!" The a really tall blonde guy introduced himself. He towered over Shigaraki usual he'd be nervous. However, he'd spent time around All For One who was just as about as tall as All Might. "I'm Kurogiri nice to meet you." The guy with purple hair said he held his hand out for Shigaraki to shake. Unlike the other two giants he was average height. A few inches taller than Shigaraki. Shigaraki shook his hand the man smiled at him.

All Might was the face of the band the lead singer and most popular. All For One was the guitarist he was Shigaraki's favorite he often stayed in the shadows not wanting the spotlight. Kurogiri was the drummer he often didn't talk in interviews from what Shigaraki had observed from watching videos about them on YouTube.

They all decided to get on the road soon after the band followed All For One with there tour bus. Touya drove he still didn't have a license they hadn't been caught yet somehow. Shigaraki guessed illegal driving wasn't even the top of Touya"s crime list. After a few hours of driving they all finally stopped at their destination. Dabi looked pissed off at having to drive the whole way.

"Magne does the most driving so that's why we made you drive. You always do it the least." Spinner said Touya glared at him making him shut up. "Says the Magne fanboy, lizard." Touya said Spinner hated that nickname he knew it to. "My name's Spinner!" He shouted annoyed. "Boys boys you're both pretty so shut up." Shigaraki said he could only handle so much of their bickering. Touya growled but sat down in Shigaraki's lap. Spinner went over to Magne who gave him a quick scolding.

"It's time to go." Shigaraki said Touya let out a annoyed huff he had just gotten comfortable. The band excited the van they meet up with All For One and the others. "Let's set up, alright?" All For One asked Shigaraki who nodded. Touya grabbed Shigaraki's hand in his because he loved it. He didn't know why but having Shigaraki's hand in his made him calmer. Maybe that's how Spinner felt? Dabi knew he needed to stop teasing him so much but it was just so much fun.

They set up for the show everyone getting in their places. Touya standing by Shigaraki as usual. Spinner by Magne like always. All For One and his band members were on the other side of Shigaraki. All Might was right next to him which annoyed him. Shigaraki liked the man sure but his positive attitude tended to annoy him sometimes. They started to play when the show started.

The crowd was fairly large All Night's band was popular in the genre. Shigaraki and his band had gotten a decent following after touring all over the world. Shigaraki remembered how he used to get nervous from big crowds. Every once in a while the fear came back but Touya would make it go away. Shigaraki smiled as he played the first chord on his guitar the other instruments coming in afterwards.

Shigaraki was the happiest he'd ever been in a while. Touya smiled as well watching Shigaraki. He loved seeing him happy he started playing as his part came up. He sang with Shigaraki throughout their half of the songs. All For One played one after them. Once the show was over Touya set his plan into motion. Shigaraki put his guitar in it's case he picked it up he was about to leave the stage but Dabi stopped him.

"What's up?" Shigaraki asked confused. The band stopped to watch the two curiously. Touya didn't say anything he pulled something out of his pocket Shigaraki couldn't see. Touya kneeled down he got on one knee he opened a small black box with a ring inside. "Tomura Shigaraki will you marry me?" Touya asked hopefully. Shigaraki's eyes widened he had not expected that.

Everyone waited tensely for Shigaraki's answer. Shigaraki grinned so hard it made the dry skin around his mouth hurt, "Yes." He said. Touya grabbed his hand he put the ring on his finger. Shigaraki yanked Dabi forward smashing his lips against his fiance's. Dabi kissed back the crowd as well as their friends cheered loudly. Shigaraki couldn't have asked for a better day.

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