Chapter 13 Making Amends

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Shigaraki strummed a chord on his guitar to make sure it was tuned. Since it wasn't he tuned it since they were going to do a show any minute now. Touya was making sure his trumpet was good before telling Shigaraki it was fine. Shigaraki sighed he couldn't believe It'd been four years since he'd ran away from home. The man was glad he did it had been the best decision of his life. Shigaraki felt free for the first time in his life. He got to do what he loved playing music. Shigaraki also got Touya out of it so his life looked good for the first time.

Now he was back in his hometown again his mood was sullen a little bit. He decided not to let it get to him though as his father showing up would be unlikely. If the bastard hadn't got arrested for something he was most likely at the bar drinking until he couldn't even get up. Shigaraki had seen Touya at that point before he never wanted to see it again. Touya had gotten drunk earlier but Shigaraki had cut him off after his sixth drink. Touya had sobered up some the only thing telling he'd had something was his breath. Shigaraki hated the smell of any kind of alcohol. He wasn't dependent on it like Touya.

"Let's get this shit over with." Touya said irritated as he stormed up the stairs leading to the stage. Before he turned the corner Shigaraki stopped him by grabbing his arm. Touya turned around annoyed, "What?" He snapped he sounded angry. Shigaraki flinched at his harsh tone. "Sorry I'm not in a good mood." Touya apologized as he let Shigaraki hug him. "It's fine we'll both be okay. Soon we'll all be out of here and on the road again." Shigaraki said trying to comfort his boyfriend. It seemed to work as Touya kissed his cheek before walking out onto stage. Shigaraki smiled he followed him out Magne and Twice did as well.

They played their show Touya suddenly stopped during one of their songs. Shigaraki followed his gaze he tensed up at who he saw. Touya's father Enji Todoroki was standing in the crowd. Shigaraki didn't know what to do. He knew he had to snap Touya out of it he decided to take his hand like what Touya had done in the past when he'd been filled with anxiety. Touya looked at their hands he smiled weakly before letting go of his boyfriends hand. He ignored the gaze of his father focusing on his playing instead.

After the show Touya quickly ran backstage. His breathing was coming out fast making it hard to get air in his lungs. Shigaraki hurried after him he found his boyfriend leaning against the wall his breathing was hard. "Dabi." Shigaraki said as he shook the other male. Touya didn't respond worrying Shigaraki he grabbed a hold of his boyfriend pulling him into his arms. Touya grabbed a hold of Shigaraki desperately he fisted the man's shirt. Shigaraki let Touya stay in his arms eventually his breathing evened out.

Touya calmed down he put his instrument away in it's case. Shigaraki grabbed his hand he stood in front of the slightly taller male. While not being effective in hiding Touya his boyfriend appeared calmer with him in the front. Touya avoided looking at the spot he'd last seen his father at to avoid another panic attack. Shigaraki lead him threw the crowd some people tried to stop them to talk to them. Shigaraki didn't want to be rude however he was more worried about Touya than his reputation. Magne and Twice stayed behind to talk to some fans. Shigaraki gave her a grateful look she smiled at him in return.

"Touya ran away because you're a piece of shit." Shigaraki growled Enji glared at him. "You shouldn't call people stuff when you know nothing about the situation." Enji said Shigaraki was about to tell him off but Touya put a hand on Shigaraki's shoulder stopping him. Touya stepped out from behind Shigaraki, "I'm here old man what do you want?" Touya asked he sounded more confident than he felt. "I want to talk with you. Also, you should respect you're own father." Enji said Touya smirked at his frustration at Touya's name calling.

"Fine but you better not try anything." Touya said he was nervous he knew his dad wouldn't take no for a answer though. Enji Todoroki was never told no. That's how his mom was forced into a relationship in the first place. Touya hadn't seen her in a while he wondered how she was doing. Enji agreed to Touya's terms Shigaraki started following behind them. "Stay." Touya commanded Shigaraki looked after him warily as he left. Touya turned back around, "If anything goes wrong I'll call you ." He said trying to keep his boyfriend calm.

Despite Touya trying to soothe his nerves Shigaraki was still scared of what could happen. Magne walked up to Shigaraki, "He'll be alright Dabi's a adult." Magne said Shigaraki didn't reply. He went back to their tour bus he sat down in one of the seats. Shigaraki was worried about Touya every second that he was gone. He hadn't heard good stories about Touya's father. Shigaraki sighed all he could do was wait for his boyfriend to get back.

Touya followed his dad to their old house. Enji held the door open for him to come in Touya looked at it hesitantly. Touya didn't want to be trapped inside just in case anything went wrong. Noticing his hesitation Enji sighed, "Look Touya all I want to do is talk. I want to make amends with you since you've been gone so long. I thought you could have been dead or worse. After you left I changed since I didn't want to loose another one of my children. I sent the police to look for you but nothing came up." Enji said Touya glared at him not believing what he said. He entered the house quietly Enji following him inside.

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