Chapter 20 Wedding Invite

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Shigaraki had been depressed for weeks after All For One's death. Touya had comforted him the best he could. Touya made him feel a lot better than if he had to get threw it alone. Shigaraki was glad that he was getting married to him in a few days. Shigaraki surpressed his sadness he wanted to be happy at one of the biggest days of his life. Touya told him it'd be okay if they waited longer to get married. Shigaraki assured him it'd be fine.

Shigaraki did want to marry Touya. He even wanted to spend the rest of his life with the man. Shigaraki knew Touya felt the same way. Spinner and Magne had finally gotten together much to their relief. Touya was tired of watching Spinner blush while awkwardly sending her longing looks. Magne had been the one to ask Spinner out which didn't surprise Touya.

They both were in the van with the rest of their members. Spinner was driving to the spot they were going to play at that day. Shigaraki and Touya had tensed at seeing the destination. Back to the place they came from. Even Magne seemed worried she also came from there. Shigaraki heard stories about people being mean to her because she was trans. Well, they were getting paid to do a concert Shigaraki swore he'd punch anyone who bothered Magne.

"Let's go get this over with." Touya said as he opened the door now that they were there. Shigaraki sighed annoyed it seemed like no matter how hard he tried he always ended up back here. Spinner didn't know why they were all stressed but choose not to ask figuring they didn't want to explain. They all grabbed their instruments heading towards a run down bar. It kinda reminded Dabi of Giran's. The difference was the people at Giran's actually liked them.

Touya would love to go back there one day. If only he could find out where it was. They had traveled all around the world it was hard to memorize locations. Magne was in charge of the booking since the rest of them and no idea how to do it. Before she joined they occasional got contacted by places who wanted them to play. That was rare though they usually busted on the streets hoping someone would like them enough to give them a few dollars.

They still did that but they had gained some fans after constantly touring and playing with notable bands like All For One's. They had also toured with Stain much to Shigaraki's displeasure. Shigaraki still didn't like that man. Spinner liked him so he begrudgingly agreed. Touya thought about calling Twice he most likely knew where Giran's bar was. Giran had given him a home after he became homeless.

They played the show some old lady kept saying they were a disgrace to music. They ignored her used to the comments. Touya guessed she didn't like their cursing or depressing music. It wasn't for everyone he guessed. Touya saw a familiar face in the crowd be averted his eyes hoping his dad wouldn't talk to him like last time. It didn't work as next time be glanced in his direction he was still there. Dabi then noticed Shoto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo sitting there.

Natsuo was death glaring their dad before turning his attention back on Touya. Shoto was was busy playing a game on his phone. Fuyumi didn't seemed pleased about their lyrics either not that he cared. Touya had promised to keep in contact with his dad. He didn't follow threw he only agreed so he could get away faster. Touya knew his was going to get lectured by Fuyumi. Hopefully, he could get out of there fast enough.

Shigaraki looked at where Touya was to see what had him so fixated. Shigaraki meet the gaze of Enji Todoroki. Shigaraki looked away and went back to concentrating on playing his guitar. After, the show was over Touya hurriedly packed away his trumpet dropping it once. Touya closed the case he almost ran Shigaraki over as he ran down the steps. Shigaraki took more time to put his guitar up not wanting it to break.

Shigaraki saw Touya standing by his dad. Touya looked uncomfortable, Shoto didn't seem to care, Enji was relieved that be caught his son in time, Fuyumi looked angry, and Natsuo was excited to see him. Shigaraki walked over to where Touya was standing to see what was happening. He was ready to do anything Touya wanted to. That included running away. "How have you been Touya?" Enji asked. "Amazing." Touya said angrily threw gritted teeth.

"You promised to keep in contact." Fuyumi scolded him. Touya glared at her she was quiet after that. "Shut up, Fuyumi." Touya growled clearly annoyed with her. Shigaraki put his hand on Touya's shoulder to let him know he was there for him. Touya gave him a grateful look before returning his attention back on his family. "Is that a ring?" Natsuo asked curiously as he looked at Touya's hand.

"Yeah, what about it?" Touya asked. "Dude are you married?!" Natsuo asked shocked. "No, engaged." Touya explained. Natsuo's eye lit up, "Who are you married to?" He asked curiously. Touya pointed to Shigaraki who blushed at the attention suddenly on him. "Oh, I've never meet you I'm Natsuo Touya's brother." Natsuo said he held his hand out for him to shake. Shigaraki shook it not wanting to be rude even if he didn't want do it.

"Well gotta go." Touya said noticing Shigaraki's discomfort. "Touya can we please come to you're wedding when you have it?" Natsuo asked hopefully. Touya was about to say no but he couldn't to his favorite sibling. "Fine but no funny business." Touya said he looked at Enji when he said it. "Okay can I have you're phone number?" Natsuo asked. Touya gave it to him before running into their van.

"You okay?" Shigaraki asked Touya. "Yeah, I let them because I can't say no to Natsuo. Besides, they'll leave me alone faster this way." Touya explained. "Alright, now after that experience I demand cuddles." Shigaraki said as he sat down in Touya's lap. Touya chuckled, "Alright, creep you'll get you're cuddles." Touya said fondly.

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