Chapter 11 Beer Cans

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Shigaraki and Touya had continued to travel aimlessly around for the last three years. They had been doing it for four years they were the best years of both of their lives. The couple might be homeless, only have each other now including Twice into their ragtag band, and barely have enough money to make it by but they were happy. Twice had joined the band before they left the town where they'd fell in love. Twice played washboard for the band as he'd done so for years before joining them. They had also managed to get a tour bus with the money Giran had given them a few years ago they had been fifteen but still drove it anyway. Shigaraki didn't want to know what list of illegal things they'd done. Touya just didn't care at all.

"Hey, creep what's up?" Touya asked his boyfriend who had almost fallen asleep in his seat. They were currently getting gas at the gas station during the middle of the night. Shigaraki was tired because they'd been touring excessively the past few weeks leaving him exhausted. Shigaraki lifted his head blinking away the sleep from his eyes he saw his boyfriend and smiled. Shigaraki held his arms out to Touya the white-haired male pulled him into a hug.

"Trying to sleep." He said his voice was muffled against Touya's shoulder.

"Sorry if I woke you up," Touya said.

"Nah you're fine," Shigaraki said he ran his hand through Touya's hair who leaned into his touch. Touya let out a pleased hum as Shigaraki's nails scraped against his scalp. Shigaraki laughed at how soft his boyfriend was being with him than with anyone else. While Twice and Touya were best friends but he rejected Twice's hugs. Twice had gone to go pay for gas the man opened the door to the back of the van the couple didn't even bother to look at him as he sat in the opposite seat of Shigaraki. Twice smiled as he watched the two men be affectionate he loved watching his friends interact he thought they were a cute couple. The two separated after a few more minutes Touya gave Shigaraki a kiss before going up to the front to drive as it was his turn. Shigaraki fell asleep after that not able to stay awake.

When he woke up in the morning Touya had thrown a blanket over him. Twice was asleep in the seat opposite of him drooling on it by accident. That's why that seat had become Twice's when he wasn't driving. Shigaraki looked up to the front to where Touya was still driving they met eyes as Touya looked in the mirror. Shigaraki smiled at him and Touya flipped him off. Shigaraki glared at the other male who just chuckled at his annoyed expression. "You're an ass," Shigaraki said Touya just flipped him off again in response. After a while Twice woke up as well.

"How long until we get there?" Shigaraki asked Touya for the millionth time. 

Touya groaned in annoyance, "I told you four hours."

"That's going to be a long time," Shigaraki said annoyed as well at the long drive. They'd been traveling to a show they'd been booked for a few days and it was starting to get to Shigaraki. He was bored out of his mind he loved playing music and hadn't for the last few days due to their constant touring schedule. They usually didn't have set shows they just played in different towns then left when they got bored to move on. But someone had hired them to play at a music festival late at night. Shigaraki wasn't looking forward to being tired. He wanted to play music so he'd put up with it.

When they arrived it was afternoon Shigaraki got out of the van and stretched his sore muscles. They grabbed their gear before heading to the stage to set up for the show. It didn't take them long to unload their instruments since they played ones that weren't hard to transport. The band played those kinds since they traveled a lot it would be inconvenient to have to load a drum into their van every other few days then unload it and repeat. Shigaraki played a few strings on his old guitar to make sure it was in tune. He let out an annoyed sigh at hearing it wasn't the guitar he'd bought a few years ago with money he'd worked for was cheap but it loved to untune itself. Touya's guitar was higher quality so it stayed in tune better but he preferred his own guitar for the sentimental value. Also, the guitar strings sticking out everywhere made it unique whether that was good or not he didn't know. Dabi said it fitted him which he couldn't see he was unkempt but so were the others in their ragtag band.

Touya looked at Shigaraki tune his guitar he looked annoyed at having to do it. Touya could understand it was always a pain to tune a guitar. Twice looked ready so they decided to play a practice run for a new song. When the time was about for them to start performing the audience shuffled in sitting in the fold-up chairs provided. Shigaraki smiled remembering his first concert where he'd watched All For One. Shigaraki hadn't seen the man in three years he hoped by some miracle he would before he died one day. It was one of Shigaraki's goals to play with the man at a show since he is his idol. Besides, he'd improved a lot since I'd been three years and they played almost every day.

They started playing when the time came to Shigaraki playing guitar, Touya trumpet, Twice on bass, and Touya along with his boyfriend did lead vocals. The crowd cheered Shigaraki was accustomed to it now much to his relief he still got nervous if the crowd was particularly loud. Touya usually calmed him down during those times though with a reassuring look or smile.  Shigaraki sang the part of the song he was supposed to before Touya took over. Shigaraki was glad he wasn't the only one who had to sing cause some of the words they sang were shouted. Shigaraki saw something fly towards Touya from the audience. It smacked the white-haired male in the face who kicked it angrily back into the crowd. Shigaraki looked at Touya confused he shrugged then resumed playing. All of a sudden something hit him in the head he looked down where the object lay on the stage. A beer can was at his feet not wanting to start a conflict he ignored it. 

"Boo, you suck!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

The band ignored the jab suddenly multiple beer cans and other acholic cans being thrown their way. Shigaraki brought his arm up to stop the onslaught of cans. While it didn't hurt to be hit by them it was disrespectful. Touya had gotten angry he missed a few notes as a can made contact with his head again. Touya set his trumpet on the stage he looked in the direction the cans were being thrown from spotting a few teenagers from the crowd. "I'm gonna go check it out. Be back in a minute." Touya said as he jumped off the stage disappearing into the crowd. Shigaraki continued to play so the people who were enjoying the show could still enjoy it.

Touya had tracked down the teens they looked surprised for a second when they saw him approach. Touya smirked, "Not expecting me to find ya, huh?" He asked amused at their surprise.

"You're one of those homeless brats who play terrible music. Somehow you low lives get paid for playing stuff that makes my ears bleed." One of the teens said.

"Why'd you come then asshole?" Touya asked.

"To put you in you're place trash." The second one said.

"Throw one more beer can at my friends and I'll make you regret it." Touya said the teens just smiled.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?" The first one asked he grabbed a beer can ready to throw it before Touya grabbed his wrist.

"I'd put that down their kid. I've been in lots of bar fights so I got lots of experience." Touya said the kid scoffed before shoving his arm away.

Touya had enough of the teens he punched the one with the can straight in the jaw. The teen stumbled backward then fell on the ground from the impact. The other one looked at his friend laying on the ground for a few seconds. The second one ran off leaving his friend to Touya. "Leave now," Touya growled the teen ran away fast as he could. Touya was glad he had fixed the problem not the best way but the teenagers needed to be put in their place. The white-haired male walked back to the stage and finished playing the songs with the others.

"What did you do to those kids?" Shigaraki asked curiously after the show as they were heading back to the tour bus.

"Nothing of importance," Touya said as he smiled to himself.

"Whatever," Shigaraki said giving up on asking.

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