Chapter 7- New housemates, starships and tickling.

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Hello fellow readers :)

Okay, I'm really sorry for how I've kept you guys waiting I was going through a lot but i realized you guys deserved an upload so i bought myself oreos and got over it, hopefully you still want to read about the madness between the badass Mackenzie and our favourite player Jason Rockwell but guys out would mean a lot of you commented more more comments=quicker updates it's been briefly proofread so i could upload this quicker warning this story has gone under heavy construction i advise you read the previous chapters again but if you don't want to here's the major changes:

Michael is now Damien

Roxy is now Ashley

Josh is now Tyler

And i added a new jock called Sean

Enjoy reading my lovelies!

- Gabby ;D

I turned around to face my new housemate and the possible reason I would consider suicide, he continued grinning, "I just realised how much life is a b**** to me because for the third time today I'm stuck with the likes of you" I muttered.

"You know what Mackenzie, you resisting me just makes this game more fun, and makes me want you more, so you could play hard to get as much as you want, but deep down, you know you want me." He replied cockily, I scoffed disgusted.

"I want you just as much as i want to be fingered by Edward scissor hands." I retorted "Are you sure about that?" he asked walking towards me, "I'm more sure than my belief that Kim Kardashian is a Thai transvestite." He chuckled and turned to me with his eyes which had turned midnight blue with lust.

As he sauntered over to me, I backed away from him until my back hit the wall. And I realised there was no options for me I was about to be infested with a hot player's STD.

Jason came up to me and pinned my arms above my head, "Well, I'm about to make you beg for me" he said, his breath fanning against my face.

I bit my lip and looked up at him and fought as much as I could not to look down at his pink lips, because after my encounter with him in my bedroom, I'd rather take candy from a dude in a tinted van than to trust myself to even glance at his miracle working lips. So what if someone walked on water? I kissed him and i felt like i was dancing through Hogwarts with Harry potter's wand trying to have its way with me.

"If you try to, just know that I will have to kill you," I threatened, staring back hard hate evident in my eyes. "Something tells me you wouldn't want to kill me, and relive Shaw shank redemption again now would you?" he replied smug, "Who said anything about me going to prison? B****, I watch CSI. I can make your death look like an accident..." I warned.

"I never knew you were into necrophilia" he humoured. "Who said I was?" I asked confused. "Well that's clearly the only reason why you'd want a sexy beast like me dead" he said smug. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Trust me, there's many other reasons I'd want someone like you dead" I said grimacing, looking at him up and down.

"I don't why though, because if I was dead, I wouldn't be able to do this" he leaned in his lips nearing towards mine, I struggled against him trying to struggle out of his hold but the douche was bigger than the f***ing hulk, not to mention that if he put his herpes infested mouth on mine, that tiny green monster held back by his zipper would never function again.

he licked his lips so slowly and seductively i tried to swallow a moan as my vag*na,(who I've named Miranda as she is like a whole other person because clearly, she's demented enough to like Jason. ) Was now doing backflips as she took control of my brain, and caused the persistent moan to escape my lips.

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