Chapter 1- New schools, Cocky players and Janitor closets.

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New characters, new story, please try not to be harsh as it's my first attempt at this kind of story

-Gabby ;)

New school, new life, new idiots to screw with. But everything looked same old, the same American  flag pole that's been up there from God knows when, same green field, old crap hole of a school, and same shocked losers staring at the badass Goddess shutting her '07 black sexy Camaro.As you could probably tell )unless you have the IQ of a 2 year old with no brain cells) that I'm pretty rich.   

I strutted inside ignoring people gawping envious girls glaring at me like looks could actually kill, if they could, I'd be having a funeral. Perverted boys making claims like I was prize, betting that they could 'tap that', please they'd have more luck persuading someone that  Miley cyrus can actually twerk. But I don't blame them for trying to get into my pants, I mean I don't mean to sound vain, (even though I have every reason to be) but I'm far from ugly. my cherry red hair cascading to my shoulders, my hazel eyes covered with my shades (thanks to my hangover that feels like someone threw a brick at my head,)my freshly done makeup, I have a natural tan to die for, red lipstick and black eyeliner. I'm going for a vamp look as I already feel like the walking dead in this hellhole.   

I'm pretty sure my outfit is breaking every rule regulation here, I'm wearing a black leather jacket, a black top that has piss off in white bolck caps (the last thing I need is some loser trying to talk to me) hanging above my knees is a French connection red skirt, black fish net tights with 6 inch heels clacking as I make my way to the office to get my schedule.   

There wasn't really a point of my getting to know my lessons, as if I was actually go to them. I just have to be good for one painful month and dad will stop checking up on me, you see daddy dearest had a job  that needed  him to be around the world, but I didn't miss him at all.  I love the kickass life now that my mom's in rehab, and I'm old enough and 'responsible' to live on my own, yeah right that's like giving your house keys to thieves and trusting them not to steal anything.   

I swung the door open with a hard push; the door hit the wall on the other side. The old lady sitting at her desk glared at me with a look of disapproval on her face. Like I cared, she was probably about to lecture me on how rude that was, but I just wanted to make this short and less painful than it already was being in the home of torture called school. "Mackenzie Laker I need my timetable and locker combination. Now." I demanded, you may think me rude but I'm not, it's the same rubbish every time so why bother being nice? When your gonna end up screwing it up later. She tutted and shook her head, I rolled my eyes as I snatched what I needed and stormed out.   

I found my locker and dumped all the books in there. Like come on, me studying is as stupid as trying to have a serious relationship with a prostitute, it's never gonna work sure I'm smart and all, but common, booze wins over books any day of the week.  I kept on getting glares from people and even if you stare back, they don't look away like seriously what's up with these people? I'm new and all, but this is so over done and cliché. I shut my locker and headed to my first lesson, maths ugh karma hates me.   

I walked into the room not giving a crap about the sudden whispers and stares I recived, I sat in the second row from the back of the already filled classroom. "ahh, miss. Laker? How nice of you to finally join us, late, but still a pleasure" Mr. Miller expressed "yeah at least one of us is happy I'm here" I mumbled "now who could tell me what bodmas means?" the monotone teacher asked the class. I dropped my head in boredom, I felt someone's gaze burning through my vision, I turned to my left and found a cute brunette girl, with her hair in bunches. I could've sworn I knew her from somewhere I thought to myself as I furrowed my eyebrows, I removed my glasses and winced at the brightness of the flourescent lights, this hangover has to be the worst yet.

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