chapter 16- The Beach, Tanning oil and Beyonce

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[A/N:]I am so so so sorry this took so long to come but I hope you enjoy it :) -Gabby

Jason grabbed the collar of Damien's top and shoved him roughly, breaking the kiss off holy crap! Damien started throwing punches like his name was freaking Sharkiesha the rest of the fierce fierce five and the jocks came to break them apart, it didn't take a detective to tell that this was more serious than a heart attack.

"keep your filthy lips off of her," yelled Jason his cheeks flushed as he struggled to swing another punch at Damien "why? It's not like she wants your herpes infested lips on her anyway!" Jason broke free from the whole hold of the fierce five and pushed Damien hard as his back smashed the glass of his windshield "this means war" Jason said calmly through gritted teeth his blue eyes wild and scary as they stared in the green of Damien's he stormed off as he parted through the crowd around us, and things that week were more tense than the remainder of the elevator ride with Beyonce, Solange and Jay-Z. There was no sign of retaliation or prank from Jason not even him putting out a leg to trip me over, except for me finding him full on making out passionately groping and grinding against my locker which was a giant fuck you and an attempt to get me jealous, since he hasn't even spoken to me at all. Until Saturday. The beach trip. 

Music pounded in the air as the sun shone down on the white sand beach and sapphire water packed with slightly tipsy teenagers, I was ready to get drunk make bad decisions and blame it on the alcohol (although i would have made half of those decisions sober) but after the argument at the fundraiser, like a midget at a urinal i'd have to stay on my toes. "Are you okay?" Ashley asked unloading towels, beach balls and other stuff from her car. "Yeah i guess I'm just worried about 'the incident'" I said as we carried the stuff towards the beach "don't worry about it! we're gonna have such a goood time we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles and we'll be singing zip-doo-dee-do-dah out of our assholes!" sang Ashley who had apparently hadn't even had a crack at the tequila but was just naturally high "i hope so anyway i've got my joy insured" i said grinning as I waved a bottle of tanning oil, my next attack was ready to commence.

"Hey there trouble" chimed Damien as he linked my arm with his "trouble? I'm an angel" I said with a mischievous smirk, "yeah one thats particularly great at hiding her horns" he said leaning down for a kiss, as I tugged on my bottom lip with my teeth enamoured with the pink flush of his, before they could meet, Damien's head was hit harder than the bus that hit Regina George. And so traditionally that meant my foot was going to go so far up their ass they were going to be tasting my flip-flops for weeks, my pining to do so was heightened when i saw the one who decided to hit his head with his surfboard like it was a bat and he was heading for a home-run.

A very pissed, sexy yes, but angry panty dropping Jason Rockwell. Noticeably this was the most contact the two had all week if they were to even breathe in each other's vicinity it would probably be equivalent to calling their mother a llama and ww3 would commence (trust me i know Thursday during cheer practice they were captains of a practice game and they had to high five and it looked like Damien tried to rip Jason's arm off and beat him with it- i've never been more proud to call him my fake boyfriend) "you know jealousy is a disease get well soon dick" I spat leaning forward condescendingly.

"Looks like you've caught it too" Jason leered leaning down towards me as I glared enraged as Kristina skipped down the sand beach with Jason's Carrera glasses on her face along with a victorious smirk, she slithered her luminous orange tanned arm around Jason's waist her fingers slipping into the waistband of his Superdry swimming trunks (honestly I wanted to put those sharpened manicured claws she called fingers to drag out her stupid doll like eyes.) She's literally attached to Jason 24/7 like she lives on the back of his head as if she's Lord voldemort "Look Jay, just because she's riding me like a surfboard doesn't mean you could hit me with yours" Damien spat grimacing at him as he scrutinised them head to foot as Jason clenched and unclenched his fist as his grin didn't even falter.

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