Mistakes and Decisions

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Newt's POV

After I stormed out of the hut I immediately regretted it but o knew that after what I said she would never talk to me again. I went to find Minho because I need his hep getting her back even though we had just had our biggest fight ever. I finally see him talking to Chuck,

"Hey Minho, can I talk to you?" I ask him. He nods and waits for me to talk to him,

"Alone?" I ask again. He looks at Chuck,

"I'll be back Chuck." He says. I lead Minho to the field where I work.

"Minho, I did something really bad and I need your help." I say. He looks at me with big eyes,

"You didn't get her pregnant did you?" He asks concerned. I laugh,

"No nothing like that, I did worse than that." I say.

"What did you do?" He asks. I explain the fight that me and Bailey had mentioning every detail, after I finished I was in tears but I didn't want Minho to see me cry. Then he slaps me,

"What was that for?" I ask putting my hand to my cheek where he slapped me.

"Do you know what that poor girl has been through?! And you just go and make it worse!!" He screams.

"That's why I need your help." I say. Minho nods,

"Please talk to her for me, you are suppose to be my best friend and I really need this." I beg.

"Fine, but you owe me big time." Minho says. I nod and then he sets off into the deadheads. About an hour later he still hasn't returned so I go to find out what's happening. When I arrive I see a naked Minho on top of a naked Bailey, I gasp but they didn't hear me cuz I think that they were asleep. I can't believe that Minho would do this to me, I knew that he liked her but he knew what had happened between me and her. I ran back to room where I fell asleep and cried, I woke up when I heard a knock at me door.

"Newt, are you okay?" I hear Chuck ask me through the door.

"Go away!" I yell at him. But then the door falls to the ground and I see a very angry Thomas.

"Newt, we need to talk." He says sternly. I follow him and Chuck to the meeting room.

"What do you want?" I ask strictly. Thomas motions for me and Chuck to sit down, so we do. He holds out a button and the lady, Ms Ava Paige, appears.

"Hello Chuck and Newt. I'm sorry for contacting you this way but I have an important message. You two are the only ones that have been chosen by WICKED to get out of this place and guaranteed a safe future. I know this may come as a surprise to you so I will give you a month to decide. When the next greenie comes up then get inside the box, lock the doors and wait for us to bring you down. We are happy to have chosen you." She finishes. Then Thomas puts the button back inside his pocket.

"So what do you think you will choose?" He asks us. Chuck stands up and smiles,

"I want to go home and this may be my only chance." He says.

"Newt?" Thomas asks. I want to leave but I can't without Bailey, maybe I can convince them to let her leave too! And someone can finally get rid of Minho.

"I will decide at the end of the month. I want to go but I don't know what will happen with Bailey. She is my everything and I don't want to loose her." I say. Then Thomas says something,

"Newt, Bailey just wants to be in the center of attention! That's why she kissed you, Gally, and Minho! She is a slut! It's best that you leave her and find someone else who can really appreciate you!" He screams. I am furious,

"Don't ever say that about Bailey!! She loves me and I know it!!!!" I scream back.

"Then why did she loose her virginity to Minho and not you?" He asks smirking. I storm out mad but then I realize that Thomas was right. Did Bailey ever love me? I guess I will have to ask her. I turn towards the deadheads to see her coming out with the biggest smile on her face ever. I guess she likes Minho and not me, I run back inside to Thomas and say,

"I will join you."

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