The trouble starts

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Gally's POV

I can't believe that shuck face Newt got me in the slammer. Argh, when we get out of here I swear he will pay. I see him walk over with Bailey and that gave me the best idea ever, he won't know what hit him. Before we are both brought into the slammer I walk over to Bailey and smile,

"Hey Gally, what's up?" Wow she forgave me fast I say,

"Hey, nothing much can I talk to you in private?" I ask, she looks at Newt and nods. We walk over to the deadheads and I stand in front of her.

"So, what do you need Gally?" She looks nervous, I try to make her feel better by grabbing her hands,

"Listen, I have liked you for a while so this is hard for me to say." She looks at me and says,

"What is it?" I make it seem like I'm nervous,

"Bailey, will you go out with me? Like be my girlfriend?" She looks at me and stutters,

"Gally, I..." I stop her,

"Bailey, just please say yes, I really like you and I want us to be happy so please just say yes." She smiles and nods,

"Yes" I pull her into a hug and we walk out together towards the slammer. We walk past Newt but first I look at him, his face looked he was a tomato that was about to explode. Ha! But now we stop in front of him and I lean in and kiss her good and long. She looks at me then her eyes towards Newt who has a few tears trickling out, she pulls away and says,

"I'm sorry but not now" I nod and smile. I pull away and get insides next to Newt. He sits in the corner after we are inside, he puts his arms around his legs and I hear some muffled cries. Yes! My plan is working I smirk and look over to him.

"Hey Newt, how are you doing?" He lifts his head up and says,

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I stand up and go over to him,

"This is pay back for getting me in here and everything else you have ever done. And even though you may have her doesn't mean that other guys might like her, because I might like her!" Oh shoot did I say that? I might have feelings for her but that was all to get back at Newt. He looks at me and stands up,

"Dude, I tried to hurt myself several times and she is the first thing that has made me happy! So back off." I start to get mad,

"You don't control her so just stop you shank!" He stares at me and if glares could kill I would be dead, twice to make sure I was dead. We hear a quiet voice,

"Um guys?" We both look and there was Bailey holding some food. She looks at both of us and Newt speaks up,

"Bailey, we.... I...." She drops the food, tears in her eyes,

"I can't do this." She says and runs away, we both try to get to her but the bars hold us back. We cry out her name but nothing. I wonder what happens when morning comes. We wait for a while until we hear a small scream, I look at Newt.

"Bailey?!!!" We both scream. Noooooo.

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