Leaving the maze

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Bailey's POV

After i read the note i turned to the doors of the maze staring out into the jungle mess which is known as the maze. I have made it through there before whats stopping me from going out again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, click whirl click." thats why, the grievers. I don't know why they scare me as much, maybe its because i have seen what happens when they sting you. But i will face a whole field of grievers if i can see my Newt again. I grab one last meal from the kitchen before putting on some running shoes and head out into the maze. I run as fast as my legs could take me before i reach section 7. I remember that this section was the way i got out to go back into the maze. When i reach inside the secret path i see a griever taking a nap. I tip toe around the beast and make it where the code is. 

"Shit" i whisper to myself. I remember the first few letters of the code but not the rest.

"7-1-5-2-6-4.... dammit whats the rest??" i say. The only two numbers left are 8 and 3 but i don't remember what order. I bang my fist against the wall next to me but i didn't realize it would echo off. I see the griever slowly waking up and my heart racing. I type in 8 then 3 and the machine shuts off and the griever becoming a griever pancake. I scream because it goes pitch black then i see a light. I step out of the darkness and see a long hallway. I sprint down it and see a sign that says EXIT. i open the door and see blood everywhere. I sprint inside in hope newt isn't among the dead. As i walk forward i hear the door slam behind me. 

"I have been waiting for you." i hear a voice say. I turn and see Thomas holding a gun.

"Thomas, where is Newt?" i say. He smiles,

"Your precious boy toy is fine. But i don't know about you." I see him pull down on the gun and hear a gun shot go off but i realize that it wasn't his gun that went off. It was Chuck's, the little boy was standing behind him as he drops to the floor.

"Bailey come with me if you want to see Newt." he says out of breathe. I walk around the dead body and go to follow Chuck. 

"Chuck, what is happening?" I ask him. He turns to me and shakes his head.

"Not yet, i can't say anything until we have reached the place." He says.

"Chuck what place?" i say louder. He stops in his tracks and faces me.


Newt's POV

I awaken from the darkness with a pain in my head and neck. I sit up and realize I'm in a bunk with about 10 other boys. They are all just sitting in their beds just staring at me.

"Looks like the shank is awake." A tall brunette says. The rest start laughing except one, a tall dirty-blonde haired kid. He just stares even more. 

"W-who are y-you all?" I say stuttering. A familiar voice speaks up,

"I'm surprised you didn't recognize me Newt." Thats when i see him. The boy who i thought was dead,

"Minho?" the tall asian boy stands up and walks over to me pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you shank." he says. 

"I thought you died." i say.

"why did you think that shank?" he says smirking. I look at the door and scream,

"Bailey?! where is she? is she here?" i say. Minho looks down and shakes his head. 

"No but we have sent someone to go get her." I look around the room and notice a certain short, chubby boy has gone missing.

"Chuck?" Minho nods. 

"He should be back soon but i don't know yet. I keep hearing the voices saying she made it out but i have no idea where she is or where they will be going." I sit back down heart broken. He was about to say something else but a loud voice interrupted him.

"You ugly boys get ready, its time for dinner!" The voice says.  As if on Que. all the boys get in a line and start heading out to eat. I follow them all but the boy from before keeps looking at me. We grab our grub and sit down. But thats when i see her, a girl with beautiful hair and a face so familiar.

"Bailey!!" She turns around and smiles. 

"Newt!!!" I run to her and embrace her in my arms.

"I missed you so much!" i say. We pull apart and she looks so serious.

"Newt i have so much to tell you."

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