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Newt's POV

When I saw Bailey running out of the deadheads freaking out, I knew that something was wrong. She had fear in her eyes and just by seeing her so freaked out made me freak out too. She started crying and hyperventilating all at one, it was not pretty. When she mentioned Gally I knew that she had to tell the others about it. We ran over to Alby, Thomas, and Minho, she told them that Gally was back and all I heard was Thomas say,

"Shit." Now what the bloody hell does that boy know. I grab his and Bailey's arm and lead them into my hut to have a little chat. I point to the chairs and say, "Sit." To Thomas. Me and Bailey look at him but then Bailey screams,

"What the hell do you know about Gally?!!!" I stare at her and hold her back, she looks like she is about to murder Thomas but I hope she doesn't or she will be banned. Thomas stares at her and screams back,

"I know nothing!!" I feel like he is lying but that's when Alby puts his hand up to silence us.

"Guys, calm down. Thomas has no memory and if he did know something he would tell us. So for now leave it to me and we will figure this out. I promise you all, we will figure out why he is here." He says. I nod and everyone walks away except for Bailey and me. I look at her and smile, she looks back at me and her eyes are filled with tears.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She shakes her head and looks down. I pull her into a hug and her tears start to flow out, I know this must be hard for her but she is strong and she has to know that I am here for her know matter what happens. She finally stops and looks up at me,

"Newt?" She asks.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"Why do you think that Gally is back?" I hear her ask. I shrug but then lean down to whisper in her ear,

"I don't know, but I swear that if he lays one bloody finger on you I will hurt him." She smiles and grabs my hand. We both walk off and head to Frypan to have dinner.

Bailey's POV

Newt has always been there for me and I was really glad that he was so supportive of me. I still wonder why he liked me, I'm so ugly and not worthy of such a great guy. We head to dinner hand in hand but when we got there he let go, I frown but I guess we are not technically dating or anything. I hear Minho scream,

"Hey! Bailey! Come join us!" I laugh and walk over to his table which includes Thomas, Minho, Chuck, and Alby. I sit down,

"Where's Newt?" I asked them. They turn their head toward my sister and sure enough there was Newt laughing his head off, just the two of them. I feel a hand rub my shoulder,

"I'm sorry Bailey." Chuck says. I smile,

"It doesn't matter, we were never dating." I say. Minho smirks and looks at Thomas, who is looking at his food very closely. Once we finish I walk outside to see my sister look at Newt very closely, my heart rate speeds up and I can't breathe. She smirks at me and leans in to kiss him, before I could process what was happening her lips were on his. I scream as they pull apart, Newt does a double take to me and her. I run away and hear Newt chase me but I run into the deadheads to find Gally.

"Gally?! Where are you?!" I scream. He suddenly emerges from the darkness,

"Yes darling?" He asks. I turn and see Newt very close behind.

"Kiss me!" I say. He doesn't ask why, he musts leans in and we start making out. I hear Newt behind us gasp and Skye gasp too. We break apart to see another person with us,

"Hello everyone, I'm Ms. Ava Paige." I stare at her and growl.

"Why are you here?" I ask her. She laughs and smirks,

"Well my plans are very messed up so I just take all of you out and send you back in with no memories except your name." She says that last part directed toward me. Before I could say something a bunch of men dressed in black started carrying us back. I hear Newt cry my name and I try to reach him so I scream,

"I love you Newt!" Before I am surrounded by blackness.

*im doing a mix of all three books (TMR, TST, TDC) okay? Great. So just please read with caution since some spoilers might come up. Please vote, comment, and read! Thx*

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