Chapter 1

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midoriya's pov

(flashbacks middle school year 2)

hey kacchan I know you don't really want to talk to me anymore or have anything to do with me, but I have to talk to, your the only person who i trust with this, I'm scared to talk about it.

huh, oh yeah I guess why not deku come with me.

I followed him around to the side of the school.

deku what is going on you look terrified?

I sat down on the floor as I rubbed my wrist.

he sat down across from me, kacchan do you remember growing up with me how I always kind of liked girly things, my favorite colors are what are considered girly colors?

yeah i remember when ever our moms took us shopping when we were very young we would always find you looking at skirts and dresses but your mom would always pull you away.

yeah well ive been doing a lot of research behind her back and I think I realized something. I think i want to be a girl, I feel comfortable wearing skirts and dresses, I love the feeling when I get referred to as she and her. I explained

he moved closer to me, and he looked at me, deku are you trying to tell me your transgender?

I just nodded as I placed my head in my lap.

hey I'm not going to judge you, do you have a new name you picked that i can call you.

no i haven't picked one yet but im still looking but I also really dont like the name i have now.

well how about I call you izu when were alone and when were around other people I just keep calling you deku.

I lifted my head and I looked at him, he reached over and he wiped the tears from my eyes.

your not like grossed out or anything that I feel like this?

of course not izu ive kind always knew you were different but I never knew in what way but now that I know you have my full support.

what will auntie say if i tell her, i want to wait to tell mom though.

i think she would excited and happy, she's always wanted a girl to take shopping. if you want you can come over after school today and we can tell her together. I looked at him and I gave him a smile as I nodded, he pulled me close and hugged me

( flashback ended)

today is the last day of our 3rd year of middle school and its the day that i plan on tell my mom. I know kacchan will have my back if anything happens, I decided to play it safe and keep all my girly clothes at his house incase anything happened. I was walking out of school when i saw kacchan leaning on the fence. i walked over and he started to walk next to me.

so todays the day huh, your finally ready to tell her? I just nodded, im really scared.

do you need me to come with you.

no i think this is something i need to do alone, and I can just call you if anything happens, and you can come get me.

he nodded as we got to my apartment. good luck izu, remember just call he said. i nodded as I headed inside.

i saw my mom sitting on the couch I took a deep breath and I walked over and i sat down across from her.

hey mom can I talk to you its really important ive been pushing it off for a year but its time you knew.

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