Chapter 20 (spicy)

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Izumi's pov ! SMUT WARNING!

we went back to my room and we laid down on my bed i rolled over so i was facing him and he did the same he laid one arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him he looked at me as he leaned in a nd he kissed me deeply as his other hand moved up and rested on my face as he kissed me deeper as i moaned at the feeling of tongue licking my lip i opened my mouth slightly and he slipped his tongue in a gasped but moaned at the feeling of his tongue on mine.
i wrapped one leg around his waist and he started to grind into me. making me whine a bit.
Ahh kacchan ahhh he flipped us over so he was ontop of me and he pinned my hands above my head. how about we play with some of our new toys? he asked as he grinded onto me harder.
Ahhhhh i moaned as i nodded.
he got off me and he went over to the bags on the floor and he picked up the spencers bag and he came back onto the bed and he opened all the packages i looked over and i saw he picked out a pair of wrist restraints, a flesh light, and a very big 9 and a half inch dildo i squirmed a bit as i looked at the new toys i was excited to try these.
he cleaned the two toys and sat them to the side he ran his hands up my shirt and he pulled my shirt off and i saw him smirk a bit as he licked his lips.
he grabbed the cuffs and he cuffed my hands above my head and he looked at me, as he ran his hands all over my body as he squeezed my breasts making me tip my head back as i moaned softly at the feeling as he leaned down and he licked my nipple, making me shudder a bit.
kacchan please stop teasing me please i whined.
he grabbed my hands and he pulled me up he got on the floor on his knees and he pulled my skirt off and he grabbed my cock and he looked up at me as he started to jerk me off.
ahh hah ahhh kacchan kacchan god yes. i moaned out he leaned down and he kissed the tip and he licked it making me whine, as he took me in his mouth and he started to suck me roughly
AHH KACCHAN AHH kacchan yes OHH fuck i went to grab his hair but he smacked my hand away, he pulled off. no touching baby dont make me cuff you behind your back. he said with a smirk as he took me down his throat.
mhmmm ahh yes feels- feels so ahhhh so good fuck yes ahhh ahggnhh i cried.
he pulled off and he pulled me to my feet and he took off his shirt and i just stared at his hard body, as he dropped his pants and i felt my mouth waterings.
i dropped to my knees and i looked up at him and he smirked down at me as i stuck out my tongue and i licked all around his cock, and i took him down my throat as i slightly gagged a bit as i started sucking him roughly as i hummed a bit.
he ran his fingers through my hair he was careful not to rip my extensions, he guided my head as he shoved his cock down my throat as i moaned around him as he moaned above me, as he thrusted his hips.
i pulled off his cock and i started to suck and lick his balls making him moan loudly.
fuck baby girl your gonna make me cum. he said from above me i quickly took his cock down my throat again as i hummed loudly as he moaned out as i felt him cum down my throat. i stood up and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
now how i about i make you feel soooo good baby girl, he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
come here and lay across my lap baby, i quickly did as he said and i laid across his lap with my cuffed hands in front of me.
he reached over andhe uncuffed my hands and re cuffed them behind my back he ran three finges down my spine as i heard the lube open i felt his wet fingers rub agaisnt my hole he shoved one in.
aghhnnn daddy ahh, i want more please, i whined out in pleasure.
he nodded and he shoved a second one in as i felt his fingers jab my prostate
he added his third finger and he started to press on my prostate making me cry out in pleasure as i grinded against his lap, i think your ready for the toy baby, he said he picked it up and he rubbed it against my hole making me whimper a bit, he pushed the tip in and slammed the rest of it in.
he started to slam it into me making me let out silent moans the pleasure was so good i couldnt find my voice i just dropped my head to the bed as i sliently cried out in pleasure, he slowed it down letting me find my voice.
daddy im so close please ahhh im so so close ahhhhh yes, i cried.
he slammed it into my prostate roughly a few times dropped my head again as i screamed as i came all over his lap.
he pulled the dildo out of me and he sat it to the side as he started to rub my ass he lifted one hand and he smacked my ass roughly as he rubbed it between each smack, he spanked me 10 times making me moan between each one.
he pulled me up so i was sitting on his lap facing him he lined his cock up with my hole and he carefully lowered me down i went to start bouncing but he held me still.
and he grabbed the flesh light and he slid it onto my cock making me moan loudly at the tightness of it.
god damn i can see why you ahh like ahhh like fucking me so much its so tight ahh daddy i moaned out.
he thrusted his hips up and i started to bounce on his cock, as he thrusted the flesh light on my cock making my head lull back daddy it feels ahhh yes daddy so good, so goood daddy ahhh more please fill me up please i cried out. he bounced his hips up into me.
god princess you look so sexy seeing your cute titties bounce when your fucking my cock like this he said as i just kept moaning he was moaning occassionly.
he picked me up and he laid me on the bed and he held my knees to my chest as he started to fuck me so much harder my eyes rolled back as i screamed silently he moved the flesh light in the same speed as his thrusts.
fuck baby your gonna make me cum he said as he pulled the flesh light off of me and he leaned down onto me and he started to bite and suck hickeys all over me he took my nipple into his mouth and he sucked it roughly biting it as i threw my head back and i came with out warning feeling him fill him up he pulled out and he un cuffed my hands and he laid down next to me and i cuddled into his chest.
that was a lot of fun i really liked that. i said to him as i smiled up at him, he kissed me and wrapped his arm around me.
come on baby we should get you in the bath and get you cleaned up. then we can go get you some water and a snack then we can go to bed okay?
i nodded and he picked me up and carried me into the bathroom he used his foot to push the drain down and turn the water onto hot and he carefully rested me on his hip as he grabbed my lavender and rose bath petals and poured some into the bath and he grabbed my blend of rose oil and lavender oil epsome salt and he poured some in as well, we waited till the water was filled he turned it off and he climbed in and we laid down in the water. it felt so nice.
i turned over so i was facing him and i rested my head on his chest, as he hugged me and he kissed my head.
he reached down and he gently cleaned me out.
we relaxed in the water till it got cold he drained the tub and i pulled on one of his really big shirts and a pair of panties, and we left the room, and we went down stairs to the common area and i sat on the counter while he made me a grilled cheese and tomato soup i loved watching him cook it was like my own presonal cooking show.
he came over and handed me the plate and we went back upstairs and i slowly ate. when i finished i curled up into his side and he wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.
i woke up and i saw him sleeping peacefully i just laid there in his arms thankful that today is a weekend so i can just spend all day in his arms.
i felt him stirring a bit and he woke up he looked down at me and he leaned down and he kissed me sweetly good morning princess.
morning kacchan. i said with a smile.
come on lets go get some food then how about a fun date today maybe the arcade then we can look around for a place to eat at then maybe the park for the rest of the day.
i nodded and we got out of bed and i got dressed into a pair of black leggings with a white tank top i pulled on a pair of ankle cut boots and a leather jacket. i went back to my room and i saw he was gone he probably went back to his room to get dressed. i did my hair and i twisted it into a basic braid and i did a basic layer of makeup.
i went down stairs and i saw he was already in the kitchen making breakfast. i went over and i sat on the counter as i watched him cook, he made me french toast and fresh fruit.
i hopped down and we went to the table and he sat the plate in front of me and sat the bottle of syrup on the table as he went and he grabbed his palte and he came and sat down with me. we both ate as we talked for a bit.
once we finished he cleaned our dishes and he came over and he grabbed my hand, you ready to go baby?
i just nodded with a smile. as i grabbed his hand and i stood up and he grabbed my waist. you look amazing baby girl he said to me sweetly as he kissed me. you dont look half bad your self kat, i said with a smirk.
come one we have our 1st stop we are going to the really big one in the mall so we are going to be taking the train. he said.
i nodded and we were about to walk out.
oh hey izumi bakugou where are you two going this early? i heard my dad ask.
i look back and i see him standing by the kitchen counter making a cup of coffee.
oh he has a date planned for us today so we are going out we will be back at around 4 or 5 right? i asked as i looked up at kacchan.
maybe 6 he said.
he nodded and we walked out and we made our way to the train station. and we got our tickets.
we waited for a while till our train came up and we climbed on we rode in a comfortable silence till it stopped at our stop we got off and we walked hand in hand to the mall we went in an dwe saw the sign for the arcade we went inside and he got us our game cards.
we had so much fun i was running around playing all kinds of games dragging him with me.
we played games till we ran out of credits on the cards and we went to the prize shop i looked around and i noticed the giant panda on the top shelf. i pointed to it and i saw i had was just short a few points.
go ahead and get it baby ill cover the rest of it for you with him and we can pick out some other stuff too he said.
i smiled widely as i kissed his cheek i went to the front counter and i told the worker that i wanted the panda and he nodded i went back to kacchan and we picked out a few other prizes we went to the front where i saw the panda sitting on the counter we swipped our game cards and we grabbed our bag of things and we left.
we left the mall and we headed to the area a few blocks from the mall where a lot of the street vendors and food trucks set up shop.
we walked around a bit and we found a gyoza stand.
kacchan lets get gyoza for lunch it smells really good. i said.
he nodded and we walked over and he ordered 6 pork, 6 fish, and 6 veggie.
we walked around for a bit till we found the park so we went over and we found a grassy area under a tree, we sat down as he leaned on the trunk of the tree letting me sit in front of him leaning back on him, we ate our gyoza in peace as we cuddled as we watched the birds fly across the sky text your dad and tell him you wont be back till later we are gonna stay here and watch the sun set and watch the stars for a bit. he said as he moved us so we were laig down with our heads on the big panda.
i shot dad a text telling him what was going on and he said it was fine.
we laid there for three hours till the sun started to set and about an hour later the moon was up and we just sat there in a romantic silence him holding me as we just watched the stars, this was one of the most amazing dates he has ever taken me on i loved it.
i started to feel sleepy so i laid my head on his chest and he looked down at me.
okay baby lets head back so you can go to bed. he said as he got up i got up and we grabbed all our things and we made our way to the train station and we made our way back to the dorms.
we went up to his room where he threw me a pair of clean panties and one of his hoodies i got changed and i climbed into bed and i feel asleep with my head on his chest to the sound of his heart beat

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