Chapter 6

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Izumi's pic
(Time lapse: 2 months)
Today is the day that everyone finds out who passed the exam and who gets to train and who has to take the revisonal classes.
I quickly jumped up from my desk and i went to my closet and i quickly got dressed into my uniform and i headed down stairs where i saw kat leaning on the door frame into the kitchen as he talked to his dad. I walked up behind him and i wrapped my arms around his waist startling him a bit. He turned me around and he wrapped his arms around me, you ready for today we're gonna find out who failed the written exam?
Yeah im ready i already know i passed and we already know the 5  people who failed the physical exam so i dont think we really need to worry.
Thats true. He smiled down at me and i felt him place my chin between his fingers as he lifted my chin a bit as he leaned down and kissed me softly, i smiled into the kiss he pulled away. How about we go to the coffee shop for breakfast today i know how much you like the muffins there?
I smiled widely as i nodded he reached his thumb out and wipped next to my eye.
Your eyeliner is a bit messed up you might want to ask the hag to fix it for you.
I reached up and i felt a small glob of liquid eyeliner on my lower lid i quickly turned and ran back up to my room and i used a Q Tip to wipe it off, i grabbed my eye liner and my mascara  and i went back downstairs and i found auntie in the living room.
I go over and I sit on the coffee table and i hold out the items in my hand as i smiled.
She smiled and took them, sweetie how do you always manage to need help with your eyes?
I dont know auntie i do every thing you taught me, and i always end up with globs. She got to work on my eyes and i just sat there perfectly still so she didnt stab me in the eye.
Once she finished she handed me my make up back and i slipped them into my bag.
I got up and i went back over to kat.
Hey you ready to go?  I just nodded as he grabbed my hand and we walked out.
We got to the coffee shop and he ordered a latte for himself a frozen cocoa for me he got a raspberry scone and he got me a banana chocolate chip muffin. We walked out and started our walk to school.
We threw away our trash when we got to the gate of the school and we headed inside and were greeted by a few other students.
We went to our seats and sat down i saw todoroki looking at Kat he looked jealous of him for some reason.
I tapped kat and he turned to look at me.
You didnt tell todoroki anything about us did you? I whispered.
No why would you ask that?
Well cause a few months ago he was the one who asked me out and now hes looking at you with a look in his eyes that kind of reads likes jealousy.
He looked over and todoroki quickly looked away.
Oh im sorry bakugou i wasnt meaning to stare, he said quietly.
Kacchan calm down please.
One sec izu.
You really want to know its cause I am jealous your dating the girl i love and i want her.
He glanced down at me and I softly shook my head.
What you mean izumi no were not dating she has her heart set on someone else but not me we just live together that's why you always see us together, we are simply nothing more than just childhood best friends. He said as he lied.
Oh well im sorry i didnt mean to jump to conclusions but i think everyone believes you two are dating just by how you act with each other, shes the only you dont blow up towards.
He just laughed a bit and leaned back into his desk.
I mean if making people believe that keeps the creeps away from her then im fine with that, have you noticed that since the one time mineta tried to hit on her he hasnt even looked at her since I intervened that day.
I heard the girls laugh.
Wow izumi I would say you have your self quite the guard dog huh denki said with a laugh.
I laughed a bit as reached over and I flicked his ear making him wince a bit as he calmed down and scowled.
The rest of the class laughed as the door opened.
All right class shup up and sit down we dont have much to do today so ill put the list on the screen and you guys can see who passed and who failed the written exam.
He pulled something up on his computer and the list popped up on the big screen.
I read over the list and everyone passed the written exam.
All right now you guys can do what ever you want for the rest of the day your other teachers dont have anything else planned for you so your welcome to leave if you want.
That sounds fun we could all go as a class tsu said.
Kacchan looked back at me and smiled i jist nodded.
After everyone agreed we all grabbed our bags and we left.
We got to the mall and i decided i needed a new swim suit, some new shorts and maybe some tank tops
ALLRIGHT EVERYONE LETS SPLIT UP AND MEET BACK RIGHT HERE IN THREE HOURS TOPS. Iida yelled we all nodded i felt fingers tease my waist making me smile a bit.
I need some new swimsuits, shorts and tanks wanna come with me? I asked him, i saw a miscavious smirk on his face as he nodded.
Okay lets go to pink for swim suits.
He nodded as we walked away from the few remaining people in class.
We got to pink and he helped me pick out 4 swimsuits the lady offered to let me try them on and i agreed i wanted to make sure these wouldnt show off any unwanted parts i think we did good picking them out with with my tuck its not visable at all.
I walked out showing him all of them as he smiled I knew the light green with the light red lace trim was his favorite one.
i took the swimsuits up and we paid for all of them.
Next how about some JCpennys for shorts and tanks.
We walkes around the womans section as i ran around like a child with a whole bag of candy as i happily grabbed all the clothes i wanted and that i liked my eyes caught a short pale orange sun dress, he saw me looking at it and he went over and he flipped through the sizes and he grabbed one, he came over and held it up to me and he nodded making me smile.
With some cute sandals this will look amazing on you you can go pair it with some shorts to make you more comfortable, or we can get a smaller length and you can wear it as a long shirt with shorts.
I laughed a bit. Kat your sounding like your parents right now.
He blushed a bit damn that always happen. You know im glad your living with us now so they arnt forcing me to model all their designs now, they love how willing you are to get all dolled up in their designs and get your picture taken. He said with a laugh.
I laughed a bit as i looked around to make sure no one was around i quickly snuck a kiss as we went to the counter and paid.
We went back to the mall area and we headed to the pride store so i could get some special shorts that have like a built in tuck.
I picked out 3 pairs of black ones, 2 pairs of greens, i got a couple pattern ones one with butterflies on them and the other with flowers. I got a few tank tops that act as like a push up bra to make my breasts look bigger.
We paid for my things and we headed to the food court to wait for the others.
I sat down as he walked behind me he wrapped his arms over my shoulders as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
You want boba?
I turned to look at him and i smiled.
You want the melon milk tea with the kiwi popping peals and the regualr boba right? I just nodded as he quickly kissed me and he walked off.
A few minutes later i saw momo and jirou walking towards me the both waves and sat down across from me.
So izumi where your guard dog at? Jirou asked jokingly with a laugh.
Hes just getting us boba he'll be right back.
Hey I wanted to say sorry for how i acted back at the sports festival about the text message I should never have tried to pressure you into telling me who it was even though I was only trying to help that person it was still wrong of me. Momo said.
Hey momo its fine that was two months ago your forgiven but i guess since someone is bound to find out with them investigating i guess i should tell some one. The people who know can only help so much.
I should probably tell you before he gets back.
I looked at the girls and i looked down.
The person in our year who is trans its me. I said softly as i hung my head low.
I felt a hand place over mine i looked up and i saw jirou smiling.
Hey do you remember when aizawa and midnight gave us the lection about gender identity and he said that several students were trans, nonbinary, and genderfluid? Jirou asked.
I nodded. Well he was talking about me im non binary your not alone izumi.
I smiled widely. Im not alone?
She shook her head. We're in this together now. She said with a smile.
Who all knows about you izumi?
Well kacchan knows but thats to be expectes weve known each other since we were 4 i told him when we were 2nd years in middle school. Both his parents know and the teachers know i mean my mom knows but i dont like to talk about her.
What about you jirou who all knows? Well momo here knows, aizawa and the teachers know and my parents are pretty supportive.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and i saw my drink being sat in front of me i looked up and i smiled at him.
Okay you two are more than just friends, friends dont look at each other or touch each other like that. Jirou said with a laugh.
I let out a soft laugh ad i leaned over and i kissed him softly.
Just dont tell anyone else okay especially not todoroki or uraraka okay they both have crushes on us and have asked us out and will probably be jealous, Kat said.
Oh we understand how long have you guys been together?
Its been about 5 months now.
We talked for a while till we started to see other people from out class coming over to us.
Oh deku your drink looks good csn i try some uraraka askes.
I just nodded as she grabbed it and took a sip.
What is that it's a weird flavor.
I just laughes a bit its melon milk tea with kiwi popping pearls and boba dont judge it i love it.
I took my cup from her and she sat down next to momo.
Once the rest of the class was there we all got lunch together i got up to go to the bathroom when I sae monoma from 1B walking by with some kids from his class I sat back down a little scared to go alone now.
I felt a foot softly tap my leg so i looked up and i saw jirou she pointes her eyes towards the bathroom and I nodded.
Hey ill be right back guys i have to go to the bathroom anyone need to go with me? She asked.
I nodded and i stood up with her. We walked over and she shut the bathroom door behind us.
All you have to do is ask? She said softly.
But can i ask what happened i saw you get up and start to walk off but you stopped and sat back down.
I saw 1B and i got a little scared but thanks for coming with me.
I walked into the stall and i did my buisness i got out and i washed my hands as we walked back out and i saw 1B there talking to our class some of them looked very conflicted.
We go back over and sit down i see kendo walking over looking angry i laughed a bit as she hit him and dragged him off.
A few minutes later she came back over.
Hey midoriya could i maybe talk to you for a second. She asked.
Sure i got up and i followes her to a secluded spot and we sat on a bench.
Ever sense that mass text went out right before the sports festival i know the guy who is doing all the investigsting and i know hes closing in, i also know that its you, but its not only you its us, we are the two trans girls here, im not sure if there are any boys or not but im trying my best to get him to stop but hes not listening to reason my next step is going to be to destroy all his notes on everyone and erase his hard drive on his computer but i think that might be pushing it too far might just delete files. Its too keep us both safe. He is in deninal about some one like us in his class thats why hes targeting your class but i need your help, we need him to get his stuff taken so i dont get in trouble.
I understand we can talk to aizawa trust me he is very understanding he knowa about me and he can help.
But this is somthing that kacchan needs to know about cause we live together and he can help only if your okay with him knowing.
Yeah thats fine. I dont mind you can call him over and we can talk to him.
I nodded. Wait here.
I got up and i walked over to him. I leaned down So i could whisper to him.
Hey can you come with me we need to talk to you.
He nodded and got up and followed me back over to the kendo.
Olay sit down. He sat down and we explained everything.
Okay here's what we will do it and i will head out now and you can follow or you can wait a bit so your class doesnt notice you missing, then we meet back up at 1A's classroom and talk to aizawa cause we know hes probably still there.
She nodded as we got up.
We walked back over to the tsble and grabbed our bags and told the class we were heading home
We left the mall and quickly started to walk back to school as we sent aizawa a text telling him to wait at the school for us cause we needed to talk.
We got there and we got to the class room where he was waiting at his desk.
All right what did you need to talk about we already have privacy stuff set up for you for during camp.
No its not about that we are actually waiting on one more person she will be here in just a minute i told him
A couple minutes later the door opened and i saw her walk in.
Hey no one from your class saw you leave right?
No i got away clean.
Alright kids talk. Aizawa said
We all sat down and kendo explained everything from how she discovered who it was, to who in our class has been feeding him imformation about us.
We want to get his laptop taken away and teo of his notebooks since he got it narrowed down to 1st year hero course students he keeps a notebook of each class. And aizawa listen its not only her life on the line with this its my life to okay so please be careful with this. She said.
I understand kendo would you mind if i went next door and asked vlad to come hear this since its one of his students, and your teacher? We both nodded.
He left the room and came back in with him.
We explained everything again. And he agreed for our safety that our plan will go forth right away.
Kids your welcome to come watch this but it might be safer if you dont. Aizawa said.
Ehh i got a guard dog ill be fine, i said teasingly pointing to kacchan. He laughed a bit and wrapped his arm around my waist and burried his head in my neck making me laugh a bit.
We were told to wait in the room while the teachers went to talk to nezu who called his mom.
All right kids come on your riding with me and nezu and vlad will be in a Seperate car.
We nodded as we followed him out his car.
We drove for a few miles as i held late hand.
We pulled up to a nice looking house and he put the car into park. You kids stay in the car for safety okay the windows are a dark tint so he cant see into it.
We nodded and he got out of the car leaving the engine running for us, as we watched him and vlad walk up to the door and knock. We watched the door open and they talked to the a woman before she let them in.
They were in their talking for an hour till i hears talking and laughing coming from behind us and i saw monoma mineta and hagakure. Weird that she would be hanging with them but its what ever.
They all stopped when they saw the car in the drive way.
Guys leave now he told them as he came over and he tried to look i to the car but he couldn't.
He walked up to the house and shut the door behind him.
I leaned over and i cuddled up to kat as he wrapped his arm around me.
About 20 more minutes went by and i saw the teachers coming out holding a laptop and 2 notebooks.
He climbed into the car and he took us home.
I hope he doesnt tell anyone, i said as we walked up the stairs to my room.
He shut my door as i went to my closet and pulled out a pair of soft shorts and a tank top. I quickly changed as i turned on the tv as i grabbed my duffle bag and i dumped out all my shopping bags on the bed, i got to work on cutting out all the tags ans folding them neatly into my bag.
Two days till the camp anything could happen in two days. I thought to myself.
I soon felt an arm wrap around my waist as he placed his head on my shoulder
Your making that face again you need to stop over things, if anything happens with them you have me to protect you you'll be safe i promise.
He whispered that last part in my ear as he kissed my cheek.
I leaned back into his touch as he tightened his grip on my waist.
Im going to go change and pack my bag then if you want i can sleep in here with you?  He asked in a questioning manor.
I turned around in his arms and smiled at him he leaned down and kissed my head. I nodded as he let go of me as he left my room.
I climbed up onto my bed and I grabbed my teddy bear i watched tv as i softly rubbed its ears.
I lost focus as i zoned out and lost track of time. I was pulled back to reality by the feeling of my bed dipping down.
I felt a hand brush my face. I looked up as i saw it was him, hey your anxious arnt you? I softly nodded as i put my head down into my bear.
Zuzu come here.
I looked up and i saw him sitting there with his arms open.
I moved over to him and i nestled myself into his arms as he laid us down I put my one leg over his as i hugged him tightly he rubbed my back as i took in deep breathes, i loves how he always smelled so sweet it was very soothing.
He ran his fingers through my hair till i felt tired and i felt my body fall asleep.
I woke up to the sound of his soft snoring.
I opened my eyes and i looked up at him, i put my head back down on his chest as i cuddled closer to him as i felt his arms wrap around me tighter.
I looked up at him and i saw he was awake.
He sat up with me in his lap and he hugged me tightly.
He kissed me softly. Then i climbed off his lap i grabbed his hoodie and pulled it on and i headed down stairs and i plopped down on the couch.
Hey izumi good morning, i heard auntie say, i turned and i saw her in the kitchen making tea.
She came over a few minutes later and handes me a cup.
So are you two ready for tomorrow its gonna be a whole week sleeping in the same area as the rest of the class or at least the other girls in class, you sure your confident enough that none of them will find out?
I dont have to worry about that i have two friends who i told yesterday and they have my back if anything happens. I explained.
Who really and who would they be?
Its momo one of our class reps and jirou the one with the earphone jacks.
Oh thats great sweetie, does anyone else know, i mean cause of the whole thing that happened before the sporta festival?
Well yeah kendo from 1B but she wont say or do anything cause shes also trans and thanks to her yesterday we got the guy who was doing all the digging it was one of the guys from her class so right now we're safe. I explained.
Oh thats good, at least you have someone you can talk to about this who understands.
We talked for a little while longer till i saw kat coming down the stairs he gave me a small smile and he went to the kitchen and he started a pot of coffee.

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