Chapter 19

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izumi's pov
i just laid in his arms till there was a knock on the door. i groaned a bit and i sat up.
at least they knocked this time i said with a laugh as i got up and i went over and i saw kirishima, kaminari, tsu, kendo,
hey we are going to be helping these two embrace their genderfluidness so we are going to be doing a shopping trip today we are inviting all of the queers in year one if you guys want to come? kendo said.
i smiled. oh my god yes i have to come for this let me get dressed i said as i jumped out of my bed.
i looked at the time and i realized it was 10am. come on kat your coming with us.
i said as i went to my closet and i pulled out a orange sweater and a black skirt, i got dressed and i went into my bathroom and i put my tuck in to make sure it wasnt visable in my skirt, i looked at myself in the mirror and i tucked the end of my sweater into my skirt and i pulled the waist of the sweater up so it was overlapping the waist band of the skirt and i went to my room and i pulled on a pair of black high top sneaker.
hey kendo want to help me with my hair when i do my make up.
she smiled and nodded and she came over and i went to my bathroom and i brought out my hair supplies, my make up and my mini mirror.
i went back out to see her sitting on my bed i went and i sat infront of her and i handed her my hairbrush and my hair ties, and my hair clips.
she started to brush my hair, while i started to do my makeup kirishima and denki both sat on the floor watching me do my make up i could tell they were both intrigued i laughed a bit.
do you two want us to do your makeup see if you like it? i asked.
i saw denki's face light up as he looked over at kirishima. they both gave us a nod.
i dont want too much okay im still pretty hesitant about this im still not out to my parents so i dont want to have to explain to them if we run into them. kirishima said.
i understand we can do just a little conceiler, foundation, a nude lip color we could fill in your eyebrows, maybe a little mascara, fill in the corner of your eyes to exsentuate the color of your eyes and if you want we can do a light eyeliner on your top lids. i suggested.
he smiled a little, um i would like that lets do that. he said.
yeah of course we can let me finish mine im almost done then ill do your's and kendo can do yours denki. i suggested.
they all agreed.
okay im all done i said as i did the last swipe of eyeshadow over my eyelid.
i moved down so i was sititng on the floor in front of him and i could see the anticipation in his eyes.
i checked my foundation to his skin and it was almost the excact same shade but he was a slight shade darker so we would have to get him his own bottle so it would match his skin better.
i applied it to his skin and i blended it and i put some setting powder over it, i opened the crease gel and i used a little brush and i put some in the crease of his eyes and i saw i grabbed the eyeliner.
what ever you do, do not open your eyes unless you want to be blind. i said.
he nodded and i swiped the eyeliner over the top of his eyelid. okay your eyebrows are pretty bad do you want me to fix them before i fill them in?
he just nodded i grabbed my tweezers from my makeup bag and i started to pluck the hair from his eyebrows to give them a better shape, once i got them both done i took my eyebrow pencil and i filled them in, i grabbed my nude lip gloss and i got a Qtip and i swipped it over his lips and i held up the mini mirror and he opened his eyes and he looked in the mirror.
i love it thank you, he said with a smile.
now would you guys like to wear something girly or do you want to wait till you buy your own clothes?
um i think i'll wait to get my own, kirishima said
hell yeah i want to be cute do you have anything that would fit me? kaminari said.
i smiled a bit and i stood uo from the floor and i grabbed his hand and i pulled him to the closet. kacchan go to your room and get dressed while i pick out some clothes for them i said he nodded with a laugh and he left my room.
we both looked over all my clothes and i picked out a my black skirt that had the chain on the waist that had the rose in the middle of the chain, and i picked out a black crop top that had a cold shoulder on one sleeve. we arnt excatly the same size shoes so you will probably just have to wear your own shoes till we can get you some. oh its okay i have cute ones in my room ill run up there and get them she said.
okay well take those up to your room and get changed and meet us back down in the common room. i told them.
he nodded and he ran out of my room.
kirishima are you sure you dont want to try on a couple outfits see how they make you feel?
um i guess i could try some on while shes up there changing. they said with a small smile.
okay if your wanting something that easy to conceal i would recomend leggings and an oversized hoodie, or jeans and a crop top with a jacket over top let me go in and pick out a couple things for you to try. i said as i walked into my closet.
i picked out a pair of dusty red leggings they would probably want a crimsion riot hoodie i thought to myself.
i picked out a pair of my tight fit jeans that were a darker wash, i looked around and i picked out a dark crimsion red crop top and a leather jacket and i went back out.  so i figured if you wear the leggings you would prefer a crimson riot hoodie so i didnt pick one out so here why dont you try these on see what you think? i told her.
she nodded and she went into my bathroom and she tried on everything.
okay i do really like these leggings and i like the fit of the crop top but i think it should be a different color cause that might be too much red, they said.
okay yeah you can go pick one out. i told him.
she nodded and went into my closet and came back out with just a plain black one that had a little red rose on the chest of it. he went to the bathroom and they looked at themself in the mirror.
she came back out, i love this he said i think i should wear my hair down though make it look more feminine, they said.
well come on go wash all that hair gel out in the sink and ill help you put it up in a more approriate way. he nodded and went back to the bathroom. i went in after him and he already had his head under the running water i grabbed my brush.
this might hurt kirishima so im sorry.
i started to pull my brush through her hair as i got out all the chunks of gel.
okay lets blow dry it and get it styled. i said as i used a towel to damp dry their hair.
i got the dryer plugged in and i started drying his hair.
once her hair was all the way dry i did a small braid and i straightened it to give it a little bit extra length and i braided a little bit next to her face and i spun her around to show her the mirror and i saw them smile.
wow i look, i look beautiful. he said.
yeah you do now lets get down to the common area the others are waiting, they nodded and i grabbed my purse and we all walked out i locked my door and we made our way down the stairs where i saw kacchan and the others already waiting for us.
i go over and i give kat a kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist he looked over at kirishima.
she did good on you. he said with a smirk.
yeah i really like it, the leggings feel nice though i will have to get used to the shirt though i love the hair though, she said with a smile.
the elevator dinged so i looked up and i saw kaminari stepping off, and they looked stunning.
she had the biggest smile on her face. she came over to us and did a little spin.
you look stunning denki. come on lets go i said as we all walked out of the dorms and we made our way to the mall where we meet up with the others from our classes
Hey kendo, tsu why don't you take those 2 with you, I need to borrow izumi for a second I have a store I want to take her to so she can pick out a couple things for herself. Kacchan said.
They all agreed and I watched the others walk alway. Kacchan grabbed my hand and he slightly pulled me I started walking next to him we stopped when we were in front of Spencer's.
I laughed a bit as we walked in.
We went right to the back and we started looking at lingerie we picked out 3 new sets for me.
We looked around at all the toys he picked out a restraint set and a few new toys and I picked out a couple as well we got a total of 6 new toys and 2 restraint sets that included handcuffs, ropes, connecting chains. I smiled a bit knowing we are going to have fun with all of this when we got back later.
We paid for our things and we left we made our way to the store the others were at we walked in and we found kendo helping kirishima pick out clothes while shiozaski and jirou both helped denki.
We all shopped around for a while just having fun and laughing at each other
Hey why dont we all go out for dinner tonight? Shiozaski suggested.
Yeah I know a great place we can go to im friends with the manager there. I suggested
They all agreed as we walked into the next store Victoria secret. I saw denki smile widely and kiri had a slight smile on his face.
We helped them pick out cute stuff that would look good on them as we laughed at the others being idiots with the clothes in the store.
This was our last store before we left.
We went to a park and we all sat on some benches while the few of us that were in relationships took the swings kaccchan sat on the swing while I sat on his lap.
We just sat there talking about what made us realize we were apart of the trans community what it's been like for us and all of that.
We talked for a while till it started to get dark so we decided to head to the restaurant.
We walked in and I looked around and j saw ren leaning over taking an order for a table.
Hi how many in your party? The hostess asked.
Um there's 8 of us, and if it's possible I'm a friend of rens could we sit in his section? I asked with a smile.
Of course we are pretty dead tonight let me go get some tables pushed together and let him know and I will get you seated. She said.
I looked back and I saw kacchan behind me I sat my bags down and I leaned back into him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
We stayed like this for a while till the hostess came back okay your table is ready follow me back she said.
I picked up my bags and we followed her back.
We all sat down and she excused herself back to her station and soon ren came over.
I stood up and I gently hugged him.
Izumi you look amazing when did you get this done? He asked as he pulled away still holding my arms as he looked me up and down.
Thanks ren yeah I got my bandages off a few days ago today isn't about me though it's about those to j said pointing to kirishima and kaminari they have been struggling with their identity as genderfluid so all of us except kacchan fall under the trans umbrella decided to help them they. I explained.
They both gave him a small wave. I saw ren had the biggest smile.
Well congrats you two its nice to know more of you know and you don't have any reason not to trust me with this im also trans so your secrets are safe with me. He said with a big smile.
Okay so izumi and bakugou you two want your usual drinks and apps? He asked us.
We both nodded and he went around as everyone looked at the menue deciding for their drinks and appetizers as well.
He walked off and about 10 minutes later came back with all of our appetizers and drinks. He sat them on the table and pulled out his notepad the usual for you? He asked I just laughed a bit and nodded and he pointed to kacchan your usual as well? He just nodded he wrote them down and he looked at the other everyone had their jaws dropped.
We all just laughed.
The others placed their orders and he walked off to the kitchen.
We talked and laughed and I explained to them how ren and I became so close.
Soon he came back out and he sat the food in front of us.
Are we paying in one ticket or are we splitting it? He asked.
I looked out at the table and split it 4 ways I said we told him which meals to put on each check and he nodded and he left.
We ate our dinner as we continued to talk.
Once we finished we all paid, I said good bye to ren before we left.
Today was so much fun we need to have days like this more often just going out with friends and hanging out I said as we got back to the dorms the few of us went inside while the others went to their dorm building.

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