Before You Read: How to Experience This Story

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Music, particularly the big-band jazz of the '40s and '50s, plays an integral role in this fic, especially in the characterization of our new hero, Summer.

Throughout the book, you will find cues marked in bold directing you to listen to a particular song meant to set the tone for the scene. You may listen to the first few seconds or the whole song in the background as you read, but please stop or finish the song once you see the words "End Song" in bold.

Should you decide not to play the music, the story will still make sense and flow as normal. However, if there is one song you absolutely must listen to, it's "Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive" by Bing Crosby. Please play it when the scene calls for it to get the full effect.

Also note that "Winter & Summer" takes place almost immediately after "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," though some liberties were taken with the storyline and canon. (Hey, we live in a multiverse now - anything goes, right?)

Enjoy the story!

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