Chapter 3

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Night. The sky was jet black as the clock neared neared midnight. A small crew of burly men, donning dark tactical gear and armed with large guns, took soft steps as they kept watch over a warehouse guarding an arsenal of Stark weapons - the same weapons transported from the earlier bullet train.

The air was silent, with nothing more than the gentle rush of the wind and occasional cricket chirp filling the void.

Then, there was a cry. And a thud, as one of the guards collapsed to the ground.

Suddenly, the men went on high alert. The adjacent guard came rushing to his fallen colleague, and gasped when he saw the puddle of blood beneath him. In a matter of seconds, he too joined his friend on the floor.

Silence was soon replaced with the sounds of heavy boots scrambling about while men yelled in panic. One by one, each guard fell...

Until once again, there was silence.

Then, from the shadows emerged the sniper - the same woman from the train, black hair and attire camouflaged by the darkness, her shiny metal legs giving her away as she stepped into the arsenal.


"She's breached security. All the guards are dead. She's going after the weapons," Scarborough called out, her voice tinged with urgency as alarms sounded through the control center at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters. She radioed Bucky. "You almost there?"

"I'm going as fast as I can," Bucky answered from his motorcycle, zooming and weaving around traffic to reach the facility.

"Our agents are following behind you," Scarborough told him. "They'll be ready to take her in once you get her secured."

"If I get her secured," Bucky muttered.


"Sorry, Scarb, I've got another call," Bucky said. He switched off his earpiece and carefully maneuvered his phone out of his pocket. On the screen was an international number. He knew who it was. "Sam! What's the weather like in Germany?"

He could hear a scuffle from the other end.

"I'd have to say it's a little cold," Sam replied. Bucky heard a punch and a groan. "But it sounds like you have eyes on Summer."

"I'm headed her way now."

"Hey, be careful, OK?" Sam said. "Sorry, I can't be there to help."

"Don't worry about me, buddy; I've got this," Bucky assured. "Just sock HYDRA in the face for me."

Sam chuckled. "I'll be sure to have Redwing capture it on tape."

Bucky smiled as he shook his head, hung up, and safely slipped his phone away before hitting accelerate on the bike.

Finally, he made it, parking just outside and slipping through the broken gate.

Quietly, he entered the main building - a massive warehouse stockpiled with armored crates. The room was dark, so he flipped a switch, and one by one, the ceiling lights flickered on, illuminating the white-walled room from front to back.

She was standing at the other end of the building, back facing him, a laptop-like device open beside her. She was taking inventory, sending valuable information straight to HYDRA.

Bucky called her firmly from the opposite end of the room. "Summer!"

Immediately, she stopped. Her fingers hovered over the device. She stood frozen, hearing the sound, but unresponsive.

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