Chapter 23

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A singular note, thin and high-pitched, rang through the silence, stimulating Summer's consciousness. Her eyelids felt heavy, like a lead weight was forcing them shut, but her mind begged her to awaken, the ringing in her ear incessant and piercing.

Eyes open, but her surroundings still a blur, her body made a jerking movement - only to find both her wrists and ankles shackled to a mechanical contraption, her head resting between a pair of metal plates as she lay in an inclined position.

Finally, her setting came into view - a dimly lit room, flanked by four concrete walls and machinery everywhere. To the right was a computer, and sitting at the desk was a man she dreaded to see.

He pivoted his head toward her. "Ah, Miss Hidaka, you're awake."

At the sound of Kirishima's voice, with her body restrained and metal near her face humming with electricity, Summer's mind immediately went into panic, scenes from her past flashing rapidly before her, phantom pains already shocking her system.

She strained within her shackles, attempting to break free, but to no avail.

"Ah ah, be careful there - wouldn't want to break something," Kirishima said, preparing a syringe, then setting it back down. "Did you think I forgot about you, Miss Hidaka? That I disappeared along with the rest of HYDRA's little imbeciles?"

"I assume you've been working this whole time?" Summer said softly.

"Never stopped," the doctor smirked.

"HYDRA has been defeated again and again and again. It will never return to power." Summer spoke slowly and firmly. "Why do you keep trying?"

Kirishima stepped toward Summer, stopping before her and staring her in the eyes. "This isn't about HYDRA anymore, Miss Hidaka. Whether HYDRA returns to power or not, you are my grandfather's legacy. His foundation, my masterpiece. So whether you like it or not..." His voice dropped to a deep, menacing whisper. "I own you and will use you as I wish."

There was silence between them for a moment, Summer swallowing hard as a lump formed in her throat - then, Kirishima gripped her jaw and forced a mouthpiece between her teeth.

"Oh, I am so happy we are back together again!" Kirishima exclaimed as he waltzed back to his desk. "As a matter of fact, I'm in a bit of a celebratory mood. I'm feeling a little music - should we turn on a little music?"

He hit the spacebar on his computer...

Song: "When You're Smilin'" - Frank Sinatra

...and Summer's eyes began to well.

Kirishima stepped toward his soldier, swaying left and right, his fingers snapping to the beat. "Frank Sinatra," he said. "You a fan?"

Summer could only stare at him, her eyes burning while the rubber mouthpiece butted against the back of her throat.

"Oh, I forgot, you're wearing the-" Kirishima remarked, offhandedly. "Nevermind. Let's get back to business..."

He turned back toward his computer, pressing a button, and the metal plates began closing in to the left and right of Summer's head, growing warmer as they approached her face.

Her chest heaving, teeth gritting tightly on the mouthpiece, she let out a muffled scream as the electric sparks burned through her brain, knifing through her veins all the way down to her toes. Her body flailed uncontrollably within the restraints, metal legs quaking, feeling every bit of it.

After about a minute or so, Kirishima shut off the machine and began to chant in Japanese: ""

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