Chapter 25

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"Double cheeseburger with bacon, ketchup and mustard, no mayo, extra pickles."

Bucky looked up from his chair, struck with the smallest sense of comfort at the sound of a familiar voice.

He managed a slight smile. "Sam."

Sam, dressed in plain clothes, held a plastic bag in one hand and a paper bag on the other, handing both to Bucky. "I flew back as soon as I heard. Here's change clothes and a blanket, and also dinner. I got your order right...right?"


"Ha. Can't say I don't know you."

Pulling up another chair from the waiting room and setting it in front of Bucky, so he could use it as a table for his meal, Sam settled down next to his friend. Bucky had forgotten about dinner, the anxiety and adrenaline getting the worst of him on this long night. The moment the smell of hot grease reached his nose, he realized he was starving. Sam watched as Bucky ravenously devoured the cheeseburger in what he swore was less than five minutes.

Polishing off the last french fry before crumpling the wrapper into a ball, Bucky tossed everything into the paper bag and sipped the last vestiges of a root beer. Without asking, Sam picked up the trash and got up to toss them out.

"I really appreciate it, Sam," Bucky said. "How much do I owe you?"

Sam shook his head. "C'mon, man. You know better than that." Letting out a heavy exhale as he sat back down, Sam jabbed, "Well, thanks for not listening to me. If you hadn't tried calling Summer, we probably would've lost her."

"Yeah, well, let's not speak so soon."

"Have they come out with any update?"

"Nurse came out about an hour ago. Said it's rough. Nothing else."

Sam pursed his lips as he saw Bucky turn his gaze to the floor, his face looking pale and sickly even after the meal. "You should get changed and try to get some rest," Sam said. "You don't look good."

"I can't. I can't sleep. I can't..." Bucky shook his head, voice trailing.

Sam was quiet for a moment, his mind attempting to carve out the exact verbiage of what he wanted to say.

But perhaps honesty was the best way to go.

"Hey, Buck," Sam said, "as your best friend, will you be honest with me?"

Bucky nodded.

"Do you love Summer?"

At first, Bucky was silent, taken aback by the question. He shrugged, then replied, "Love is a big word, Sam."

"That's not what I asked," Sam said gently, his Captain America tone taking over. "Actually, maybe it's something you should ask yourself - are you in love with Summer?"

Bucky took a deep inhale, then slow exhale, pondering the question further. He swallowed hard, then replied softly, "I don't know if it's love, Sam. All I know is..." His voice trailed a moment, his hands fidgeting as he gathered his words. "I haven't felt like this in a long time."

Sam nodded, remaining silent, just listening, letting his friend continue.

"I used to think I had a way around women, you know?"

Sam chuckled sarcastically. "I've seen it."

"I knew what to say, knew how to act - I knew how to play the game. But with Summer, it's like I'm..." Bucky sighed, his lips pursing into a frown, his glossy eyes staring off longingly down the hallway, as he whispered, "...I'm helpless."

A small smile tugged at Sam's lips. "Well, like how they say in the movies..." He gave Bucky a little nudge on the elbow and leaned in. "That's how you know it's real."

"Yep. And now I'm losing her..." Bucky choked, his voice breaking. "Just can't live my life without a regret..." His face contorted as he buried his head into his hands.

"Buck..." Sam said, placing a heavy hand on his friend's shoulder. "I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, that I had some magic cure that will make everything better. All I can tell you is, right now, what you need to do is change your clothes, get some sleep, and just know that no matter what happens, we're all here for you."

Bucky nodded, sniffling as he sat back. "Appreciate you, Sam," he said.

"Anytime, my friend," Sam replied, patting Bucky on the back.

Then, Sam left. Bucky changed and rearranged a few waiting room chairs into something like a bed, though he remained awake - until he didn't, eventually succumbing to a long, deep night's rest.

He needed the sleep.

There was good news waiting in the morning.

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