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Sam, placing a Wakandan kimoyo bead bracelet on his desk, propped his legs up as he lounged back against his chair. Reaching over for the football-shaped stress relief toy nearby, he began tossing it up in the air as he waited for someone very important to pick up on the other line.

Within moments, the beads began to glow, and a semitransparent projection appeared.

"Finally, the American returns my call," the young woman quipped, with a sarcastic smirk across her face.

"Her majesty, Shuri, Queen of Wakanda," Sam quipped back, tossing his football. "You request my presence?"

"I need to talk to you. It's something serious."

"And what's that?"

"There has been...a disturbance. It's difficult to explain. We can't tell if it's in the cosmos...if it's another galaxy...another dimension..."

"Another dimension? Like the quantum realm?"

"Not the quantum realm. More like, another reality."

"Whoa there," Sam remarked. "That sounds like some Doctor Strange stuff you're getting into."

"Our intelligence division is conducting an investigation, but it is real," Shuri explained. "We are finding variations - other versions of our lands and ourselves in different places. Even other versions of you."

"Other versions of me?"

"Of you and me - and Summer and White Wolf, too. Sam," Shuri went on, "we could use the help of our other allies on Earth to look deeper into this. We were hoping S.H.I.E.L.D., and the three of you specifically."

"You mean me, Summer and Bucky?"


"Ah, it can't be Summer and Bucky."

"Why not?"

"Well, I literally just signed a moratorium on missions pairing the two of them because of their romantic relationship."

"Wait - their what?!"

"Their - wait. You don't know?"

"I've been investigating the multiverse so, no, I don't know."

"I thought your Dora Milaje were in on the scoop."

"Maybe they were, but again, multiverse!" Shuri slammed her palm upon the table. "Tell me everything!"

"Bucky and Summer are dating. Went swing dancing the other night and apparently there was a little mwah-mwah too."

Shuri gasped, cupping her hands over her mouth as her eyes grew wide, letting out a girlish squeal. "That makes it seven then!" she said, whipping out a pen and writing something down.

"Seven what? What do you mean?" Sam queried.

"Our intel team has already found Summer and Bucky in at least six different timelines, and get this..." She clapped her hands in between almost every word. "In all six, Summer and Bucky end up together!" And suddenly, she squealed again, kicking back excitedly as Sam raised his eyebrows from the other line.


"It's romantic, no?"

"And now our universe makes it seven."

"All the more reason for you all to assist with this investigation."

"Argh..." Sam groaned. "I just hope this multiverse thing isn't more than we can chew."

"We'll have help when we need it, I'm sure."

"All right, well, I'll make some arrangements and see you all tomorrow."

"This can't wait, Sam. We need you, Summer and the White Wolf in Wakanda now. Preferably before noon."

"Huh," Sam remarked. "And why should I take orders from you?"

Shuri smirked. "You may be a Captain, Sam. But as you may recall, I am a queen."

"Whoa-ho-ho!" Sam exclaimed. "Well, I stand corrected, your majesty."

"As you should be," Shuri said. "So, before noon?"

"Fine. Before noon."

"Good. And one more thing."

"What's that?"

"I take full credit."

"Full credit for what?"

"Summer and Bucky."

"Pshhh," Sam scoffed - until he thought about it. "Well," he conceded. "I guess you're right!"

"See," Shuri smiled. "So yeah. You're welcome. And I'll expect you and the happy couple here within the next three hours."

"Yes, your majesty," Sam replied, bowing playfully, before reaching for the beads to hang up.

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