Chapter 6

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"I'm freeeeeee!"

Summer cheered as she dashed across a vast, grassy field, her legs sending her soaring into the cloudless Wakandan sky. Arms open wide, she bounced and bounded through the air, feeling the heat of the sun kiss her skin while the wind whipped against her face. It was as if the sky were an ocean, and she was diving into it.

From the ground, Bucky and Shuri watched as Summer leaped and laughed and "woo"-ed without a care. Bucky, hands in his pockets and squinting at the sun, could only smile with her.

"She sure can leap a lot higher than when I saw her last," Bucky remarked.

"Her new legs are significantly upgraded," Shuri said. "Higher jumps, stronger kicks. They work like my brother's suit, absorbing the energy of anything she hits. She tells me they're more comfortable too. And less shiny! The HYDRA legs were so incredibly shiny, it's a wonder they even let her do stealth work. Those old legs were practically a flashlight."

Bucky laughed. "They did have a bit of a sparkle, didn't they?"

"They were ugly! Just straight-up ugly."

After sharing a laugh, Bucky went on, "Hey, thanks for bringing me out here. I really missed Wakanda."

"Wakanda missed you," Shuri smiled.

"And the Black Panther, that's - wow, congratulations."

"Thank you. It's a responsibility I don't take lightly."

"I have no doubt. I'm sure T'Challa's very proud."

Shuri simply smiled at this comment, before looking back at Summer. "I'm glad to see her smile again." Side-eyeing Bucky, with a hint of mischief in her tone, she remarked, "She looks good, no?"

Bucky, eyes fixed on Summer as she continued flying through the air, replied, "She looks..." He paused. "Phenomenal."

He didn't see Shuri pivot toward the pair of guards standing watch nearby, her eyes wide and mouth formed into an "ooh." The trio exchanged looks, but Shuri didn't notice when one guard stealthily slipped money behind her back into the hands of her companion.

Finally, Summer landed before them, denting the ground while the grass bowed down around her. She wiped tears from her cheeks.

"I'm crying," she said in falsetto, turning to Bucky. "Did you cry when you were freed?"

Bucky hesitantly nodded. "A little, yeah..."

Immediately, Summer threw her arms around Shuri's neck, sniffling as she said, "Thank you so much, Shuri. I feel so happy!"

"You deserve all the happiness in the universe, Sunshine," Shuri replied, earnestly. She pulled back from the hug and gripped Summer's hand. "Come. I have one more surprise for you."


Shuri led Summer and Bucky to the lab - where Summer gasped almost immediately upon seeing it.

"A new suit?!" she remarked, eyeing it on the mannequin. 

"Well, go on," Shuri prodded. "Try it on!"

The suit, while not exactly a dress, was reminiscent of one, with an asymmetrical bodice clasped together by subtle, sun-shaped buttons that ran down the side, and a short, pleated skirt that fanned outward in the shape of an A. Summer adored the color - a rich, deep yellow that reminded her of a goldenrod.

And that wasn't even the best part.

"Look!" Summer said, stepping out of the dressing room and twirling before her companions. She stuck her hands in her skirt. "It has pockets!"

Shuri giggled. "Magnetized by vibranium so your items stay secure, no matter how high or hard or fast you go."

"Jeepers!" Summer exclaimed. "Oh, Shuri, this is too much! I can't accept this!"

"You are accepting it and taking it home with you," Shuri said, "by order of the queen."

"Oh, you can't reject a gift from the queen. That's just rude," Bucky warned.

Summer feigned a sigh. "Fine," she said, eyelashes fluttering.


After a few days, Bucky and Summer were boarded on a ship, waving Wakanda goodbye on their way back to New York City, where Summer would meet with S.H.I.E.L.D. and settle into a new home. As the ship rose into the sky, the country disappearing beneath the clouds, Summer took her eyes away from the window and sat back on her seat directly across from Bucky.

"You wanna know something crazy?" Summer said.

"What's that?"

"I've never seen 21st century New York."


"The last time I was there was, I dunno, the 1970s? '73 maybe? HYDRA had me on a mission that kinda went awry and, well, New York had too many people and I became too visible for their liking so...never went back to New York. Ever."

"Well, you'll soon find out the city's changed quite a bit since then."

"Has it? Is everything amazing?"

"I mean," Bucky shrugged, "it's no Golden City, but it''s certainly something."

"Ooh," Summer reacted. "Well, I can't wait to see it."

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