Chapter 18

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"Still no sign of Kirishima..." Sam huffed, speaking between breaths as he and Bucky jogged side by side. On his left, of course.

Both men, in their dark-colored tanks damp with sweat, turned a corner along the trail at Central Park and began their cool-down, slowing their pace enough to make it easier to hold a conversation.

"You can tell the man's a coward because he loves to hide - and he's good at it," Sam continued. "We think he might've gone outside the city. Either he's given up or plannin' somethin' real bad."

Their legs finally pedaled to a stop in front of a popcorn cart, where they picked up a couple bottles of water and moved off the paved path to catch their breath. Bucky unscrewed the cap with his right hand, lifting the bottle for a drink as a flash of sunlight bounced off his muscled metal arm.

Sam, too, took a sip, leaning against the light pole beside them. Another jogger passed by, yelling, "Hey, Captain America!" to which Sam responded with a wave.

Lowering the bottle and screwing back the cap, Sam's eyes squinted in the sun as he glanced at Bucky, who seemed locked once again in his signature, distanced stare.

"So what was this 'big serious important thing' you were wanting to talk to me about?" Sam asked.

Bucky took a long, drawn-out inhale, then exhale.

"When you breathe like that, it makes me nervous," Sam remarked.

Suppressing a smile, Bucky simply looked away, his face reverting back to a somber countenance as he gazed down and fidgeted with his water bottle.

Swallowing, he confessed, "I can't work with Summer anymore."

"What?!" Sam exclaimed, frowning. "I thought you liked Summer."

"I do like Summer. I like her a lot..." Bucky mumbled, still looking down, still not making eye contact. "It's just..."

Sam pursed his lips, sensing the deep concern in his friend's eyes and tone. "Everything okay?" he asked, bracing for the answer.

Bucky shrugged, then shook his head, before finally looking up to face Sam. "Summer doesn't understand the gravity of what HYDRA did to us back in the day."

"What about it does she not understand?" Sam questioned. "She went through it just the same as you did. If not worse."

"I know, I know. But that's exactly what bothers me, Sam. The way she talks about it and jokes around - like she's instantly moved on. I'm still in therapy. I'm still having nightmares. And then there's Summer, just casually blabbering about the way she used to crush people's skulls and throw ninja stars and pass out whenever they tried to wipe her memory. But 'past is past! It is what it is!'"

"You know, Summer strikes me as one of those people who doesn't like any form of negativity. They don't want to get anywhere near it. Like they're allergic to it."

"Yeah, no kidding. And frankly, I think it's a little disrespectful."

"Maybe it is. But that's the whole reason I put the two of you together. I can't talk to you about '40s music or my past life as a brainwashed assassin, but she can. I mean, how often do you meet someone whose life is almost an exact mirror of your own?"

"It's not that simple, Sam. She and I have a lot in common, but - she said it herself. We're different people. And in the grand scheme of things, I don't think that's good for me."

Sam chuckled. "Is this about Summer? Or is this about you?"

Bucky shot a look back at Sam, as if to say "you got me" - minus those words.

"Look," Sam said, "if mentally you feel like taking some time away from Summer is the best thing to do, I understand. But are you sure you don't want to talk to her about it first?"

"Eh," Bucky shrugged. "Summer's hard to talk to. You're a lot better at talking to people than I am."

"But she's your partner."

"I can't, Sam. I really can't. Please."

Sam sighed, conceding. "All right, then. Fine. I'll talk to her. I just hope you're prepared for her reaction."

"She'll be fine. The woman doesn't take anything seriously. Won't be surprised if she just brushes it off like everything else."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "That's what you think."

"She will," Bucky nodded. "But for real - thanks, Sam. I really appreciate it."

"Sure," Sam said, standing up to take a stretch. "Oh, and uh..." His voice turned light once more. "Sorry for assuming y'all two would fall in love or something."

"Sam..." Bucky remarked firmly, with a pointed facial expression that almost had Sam convinced he'd turn back into the Winter Soldier. "Don't go there."

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