Chapter 5

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"The White Wolf is on his way," Shuri stated calmly, staring out the palace window into the Golden City below as it bustled with life and activity. Turning around, she walked back toward the circle of the Wakandan council, where the other council members had gathered and taken their places.

She sat at the center throne.

"Queen Shuri," a councilman asked, "are we certain she is ready?"

"Her mental state has remained stable for the past year," Shuri explained. "She's undergone extensive therapy, counseling - the same treatment that saw success with the White Wolf. We think it's fitting that the man who went through it himself be the one to conduct the final test of her rehabilitation."

"I still suggest the final test be conducted outside the city," another council member chimed in.

"Why not deep in the forest?" was one suggestion.

"Or the Jabari mountains?" was another.

"Oh no no," Shuri said. "We'll do the test here, at the Citadel."

"But that would put the royal family and the city at risk," one member contended.

"I'd have to disagree," Shuri retorted. "I have full confidence that Summer has completely reverted to her original identity. We'll put them in an armored room. Keep it monitored, of course. But I want the White Wolf and Summer in one space, alone."

The last leader, the one who had not yet said a word, finally spoke. "This is a bold move, your majesty, and one many of us are apprehensive about, I'm sure. But truly, out of all of us, you're the one most involved and most knowledgable of the science. So, if you say you are confident, we trust your discretion."

"Thank you, councilman," Shuri said. "We'll direct them underground to the armored chamber. If anything happens, the White Wolf should be able to handle her, and I myself will stand by with the Dora Milaje."

"Well then, shall we make a decision?"

And the council placed their votes - all in favor. As the council dismissed, General Okoye, Shuri's personal guard, came to her side.

"A unanimous approval. They really trust you," Okoye winked. "You seem very confident."

Shuri smiled. "When you meet Summer," she said, "there will be no doubt in your mind that she's changed."

"And the White Wolf will conduct the final test. Should be an interesting interaction."

"Oh, I'm counting on it."

Okoye lifted her chin slightly as she gave Shuri a quizzical look. "Something tells me there's more to this than what it seems. Shuri," she asked, in a lower tone, "do you know something I don't?"

Shuri chuckled. "Okoye," she said, "we all do."


Bucky sat alone in the cold, gray room, his heart beating furiously within his chest, his hands fidgeting on the steel table in front of him. No matter how many slow and controlled breaths he took — as his therapist recommended — nothing seemed to quell the ranging anxiety inside. He'd just have to deal with it.

He examined his surroundings, not that there was much to see. The boxy space with an observation window on one side reminded him of those interrogation rooms you see in crime shows, except he could see Shuri and the Dora Milaje on the other side of the glass, glaring at him. Shuri threw a thumbs-up, giving him the smallest sense of ease.

Then, he heard the click of the lock, and the automatic metal door slid open. For a split second, there was nothing.

And then, all of a sudden, a head playfully peeked through the doorway, bright eyes blinking - her black hair, a little longer now, dangling down one side. Not yet stepping into the room, she simply smiled, waved her hand in a circular motion, and greeted, "Hello!"

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