Chapter 4

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Song: "I'm Gonna Love That Gal" - Perry Como

Another day, another attempt at making an omelet.

Bucky heaved a heavy sigh as he opened the fridge, took out a couple of eggs, and closed the door. He had mastered the art of cracking eggs ever so gently with his metal fingers. Omelet-making, not so much. The problem was the folding. Either he'd overcook one side, making the fold successful but the egg itself half-burned, or he'd not fold it at all, turning it into scrambled eggs. At least the scramble tasted better. Diced ham, onions, spinach and mushrooms. Dash of salt and pepper. Perfection.

Such were the things that occupied Bucky's mind while he remained cooped up at his apartment in Manhattan. S.H.I.E.L.D. had given him a fairly secure place while he kept out of HYDRA's radar, surrounded by just enough people to allow him to blend right in. For now, it was back to jackets, gloves, a baseball cap and sunglasses again anytime he needed to go out. Hotter months meant more delivery orders; colder months meant hanging out at the park while other New Yorkers huddled indoors.

All the while, Bucky lended his help where he could while Sam led S.H.I.E.L.D.'s crackdown on HYDRA. While other heroes worked to dissipate underground groups around the world, Bucky had stepped back to take on more of a consultant role. He was happy to "work from home," though he did miss the field, and couldn't help but entertain the cloud of anxiety that lingered above his head throughout the day.

But perhaps most of his anxiety came from the Wakandan kimoyo beads that he wore around his wrist. Nothing wrong with the beads; it was the call he was expecting to get on them.

Ayo had given Bucky the kimoyo beads when the Dora Milaje came to pick up Summer. "We'll call you when it's time," Ayo had said.

But three years went by - dragged, really - and not a single word on Summer. Granted, Bucky understood - during his time in Wakanda, he went completely off the grid. He needed time to focus, reset, think of nothing else but his own identity and recovery. It was a life-changing experience he would never forget and forever be grateful for.

But boy was he anxious about Summer.

So, for now, Bucky's days were heavily structured and routine. Wake up. Work out. Pop a record onto the record player and attempt breakfast. Read the morning headlines over a cup of coffee (Bucky had a newspaper subscription). Face call with S.H.I.E.L.D. Chat with therapist about his most recent nightmare (yes, that was still happening). Log off, watch TV, do some reading before bed.

And check the beads. All. Day. Long.

End song.

Then, one day, without warning, it happened.

It happened while he lay curled up on the couch, watching some show, in comfy pajamas, with a blanket pulled up to his chin. He wasn't wearing his kimoyo bracelet; it was sitting on the TV stand.

But the second it glowed, he freaked. Tangled in his blanket, he fell off the couch and hit the floor with a thud, wrestled out from the confines of the covers and scrambled on hands and knees to get to the bracelet.

Finally making it, he held one of the beads between his fingers, and a projection of Ayo appeared.

"Greetings, White Wolf," she said gracefully.

"Ayo! Hi!" he answerered, breathless.

"Are you all right? Why are you huffing and puffing on the floor?"

"Oh, it's know...I fell."

"You fell?" Ayo asked with suspicion, before she smiled. "Don't hurt yourself in your excitement, White Wolf."

"Well, ya know," Bucky tried to chuckle it off as he shrugged. ", umm, is she...?"

Ayo gave a single, proud nod. "Summer's treatment is complete. The Black Panther now requests the presence of the White Wolf to perform the final test of her rehabilitation."

"Oh!" Bucky reacted. " guys need me to come to Wakanda?"

"Your escorts are waiting outside your apartment right now."

Bucky looked out the window, and sure enough, a pair Dora Milaje, spears in hand, were waiting on the street. Passersby couldn't resist photos.

"Of course," Bucky said. "I'll be down in a minute."

"We look forward to your arrival, White Wolf. But please," Ayo said, "pull yourself together."

Bucky nodded, nervously, before the two hung up the call. He sat back on his heels for a second and took a deep, slow, long breath.

This is it, Bucky thought. This is happening.

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