Chapter 16

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Staying out of HYDRA's radar meant a lot more missions at home. But there was hardly a complaint from Summer and Bucky. New York City kept them busy busting underground supremacist groups and other baddies - what Sam and Bucky would refer to as "grown-up stuff," at least, in front of Peter Parker.

And so, after another successful late-night punch-out, Summer and Bucky found themselves once more strolling the streets of Brooklyn.

"Boy, I'm pooped," Summer remarked, undoing her ponytail to let her long black hair fall loosely behind her back. "Sure am glad we were able to wrangle up that crime ring though. That last left hook you threw on the big guy..." She scrunched her nose as she squared up her fists to mimic Bucky's punches from earlier. "Pow! Pow! That was so cool!"

Bucky blushed, deflecting her compliment. "Can't be cooler than that drop kick you laid on the leader."

"Yeah, that was pretty cool, wasn't it?" Summer puffed up. She whirled around to face Bucky, walking backwards as they continued on their way. "You know, if you ever think about dropping the Winter Soldier moniker, I have the perfect name to replace it."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

Putting on a tough scowl, Summer swung at the air with her left fist, announcing in a deep yet still-girlish tone... "Buchanan the Cannon!"

"Pshhh," Bucky chuckled.

"What? It's catchy right?"

"I think Winter Soldier or White Wolf suffices for now."

"Well, I think it's cool."

"What about you? What would your name be?"

"Hmm..." Summer pondered. "Summer...Sunburn?"

Bucky cringed and shook his head.



The two began to slow their pace just as the temperature started to drop for the night, making the crisp New York air a little more apparent against Summer's sleeveless arms. "Oof," she reacted. "It's getting a little chilly."

"Here," Bucky said, unclasping the buckle of his one-armed navy blue jacket, slipping it off to drape it over Summer's shoulders.

A look of priceless surprise brightened her face. "Aw, Bucky!" she reacted in falsetto. "You're too nice!"

"All I know is if a woman's cold, a gentleman is obligated to give her his jacket," Bucky replied. "At least, that's how we used to do it back in our day, right?"

Summer frowned. "Do they not do that anymore now?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. "This generation's a mystery to me."

"Ain't that the truth," Summer smiled, adjusting the armless left side of his jacket for a little more coverage. "Thanks, Bucky. But what about you?"

"Don't worry about me," he waved her off. "I've got a long sleeve on. I'll be fine." He pointed to a shop up ahead. "Speaking of the old days, there's a pizza place just up ahead that's been around since I was a kid. Julietta's..."

"Julietta's?" Summer repeated. "My parents used to take me there all the time too! It's still open?"

"Really? No kidding! And yeah, it is. I mean, it's under new ownership now, so it's different, but it's still good. You hungry?"


"Let's go."

As Bucky said, there wasn't much to be nostalgic about the moment they opened the door, leaving Summer just the slightest bit disappointed. No longer was it the humble, no-frills family pizza joint it once was; now, it was modern and updated, "industrial-chic" as they say, with stylish booths and an open kitchen so diners can watch their pizza getting made.

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