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A/N: Edit: July 13th 2023 There is now a Prequel and Spin-off to this series! The Prequel is called "Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past" and the Spin-off is called "Children of the Future: The World to Come"!


Yami couldn't stop grumbling, he had been summoned by Julius to come to his office, he claimed there was something important he needed to see. Yami had been confused at first, but he wasn't really allowed to disobey a summons from the Wizard King. So he walked through the halls that he knew like the back of his hand, deep in thought, when he saw a flash of blonde out of the corner of his eyes. He turned and noticed it was the Prickly Princess herself, Charlotte Roselei. He watched her look up in surprise at him and her face turned a shade of pink.

" Y-Yami? What are you doing here?" She asked as she came to a stop, she hadn't seen him for a while, since everyone had been training in order to battle the Spade Kingdom. She watched him tilt his head and do a half-shrug.

" The Wizard King summoned me, said he had something important to show me. You?" He asked as he also came to a stop.

" Same here, I wonder if he summoned the other Captains as well." Charlotte said curiously as she folded her arms, it wasn't unusual for Julius to call them suddenly, but when it did it usually meant trouble for the Kingdom.

" I didn't see any of them, and I don't sense their Qi, so I think it's just us here." He told her with a thoughtful scowl, Charlotte hadn't seen any of them either, which made this meeting even more curious.

" C'mon, let's not keep him waiting." Yami said suddenly as he began to walk away, she blushed even more as her mind raced 'H-He wants to walk there together?! Won't that give people the wrong impression?!' Her mind screamed, but she shook her head and followed behind him. They could always say they met outside the door or something.

Charlotte watched as Yami knocked on the door, they heard Julius say something on the other side to signal to them that they could enter. Yami pushed the door open, allowing Charlotte to walk inside first, and closed it behind them.

" Ah good you're both already here." Julius said with a warm happy smile, Charlotte and Yami walked up to the desk. It was still hard to believe that the Wizard King was now back to his original form, they had gotten so used to seeing him younger that they would sometimes forget this was him.

" Why are we here Julius?" Yami asked as he crossed his arms, he wasn't really in the mood for chit chat, and he assumed Charlotte wasn't either since she had a small scowl on her face as well. They were both trying to train their squads so they could face the Spade Kingdom, and this was distracting them from doing that.

" Well," he said with a sheepish laugh, that only made the two Captains scowl further. " I went down stairs where we keep the forbidden magic items, and I stumbled across this portal. I don't think it's ever been used, anyway, I went down there looking to see if there may be an item to help me change back to my proper age. Well, instead I found her," Julius moved out of the way and behind him sat a young girl around 19 years old.

She had long dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a small scowl on her face. Charlotte looked her up and down, she was wearing a deep blue blouse with a pair of dark brown pants, wrist length gloves, and dark knee length boots. But what caught her attention was the cloak she was wearing, Charlotte's eyes widened as she looked at the insignia, it was a Black Bulls robe, she looked over at Yami and saw he recognized it too. But if he was surprised he didn't let it show.

" Why did you give some random kid my squads robe Julius?" Yami asked as he suddenly grabbed a cigarette and put it into his mouth.

" I'm not just some random kid! Also, if you're going to smoke it's best to do it outside or, even better, stop smoking. It's bad for you." The young girl remarked as she stood up from the chair she had been sitting in and walked over to stand next to Julius's desk.

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