The Final Battles

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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm sorry this chapter took a while, I've been busy with some stuff 😅. This chapter kind of bounces around between all of the families and it shows them doing small battles, the next chapter with be the final battle with Noir and the outcome so I hope you all enjoy!


Clashes and bangs could be heard all throughout the city. From North to South, East to West, battles raged. The magic knights were trying their best not to kill or injure anyone, but sometimes injuries were inevitable in order to stop them.

Each group was struggling against the mass of mages who were out of their minds with fear. But they wouldn't give up, instead they fought harder and harder.

Because they had a future to save.

In the center, away from the fighting, stood Finral, Vanessa, and Ezio. Vaness and Finral were keeping an eye on their surroundings, while also watching as Ezio struggled to try and figure out how to use his newfound abilities.

" Man," Ezio sighed with a defeated sigh. " I don't think I'll ever be able to figure this out." He added.

" What do you mean?" Finral asked as he walked over to his 'son'. " You've been doing good so far."

" Yeah, but not good enough." Ezio said as he hung his head in defeat. " I mean, how am I supposed to send someone somewhere I've never been to before? That goes against how my Spatial magic works."

Vanessa and Finral looked at each other, he had a point, Spatial magic really only worked when you've been to that area before. But was that same limitation applied to Spatial Thread magic? Well, that was the question wasn't it.

Vanessa patted Ezio gently on the shoulder, the pink haired boy raised his head and looked at his 'mother'. She had a warm, gentle, and patient smile on her face.

" You'll figure it out Ezio, the Witch Queen wouldn't have unlocked that true magic of yours if she didn't think you could." Vanessa told him kindly as she patted his back.

" She's right," Finral started as he also patted Ezio on the shoulder. " You're a bright kid, you can figure this out, and we're going to help you." Finral added with an encouraging smile.

Ezio looked at both his parents with wide, teary eyes. Memories of how much his parents encouraged and supported him throughout his life suddenly flashed in his mind. They haven't changed, not one bit, the only difference between them here in the past and in the future was that they were married.

Ezio turned around and immediately wrapped his arms around his parents in a tight hug. Which caught both Finral and Vanessa off guard a bit.

" Thank you," he cried into their shoulders. " Thank you both so much!"

Finral and Vanessa looked at each other in slight confusion, all they did was try to give him a bit of a pep talk. It seemed their words had a greater effect on him than they thought. But the two just gave each other a small smile before they hugged Ezio back as well.


On the West Side of the City

" Brielle!" Mizuki shouted as she sent a wave of water towards her elder sister, Brielle quickly used her sword to hit the spell, and angled it towards the group of people that were headed towards them.

The wave of water was now double what it was when Mizuki sent it, and much more powerful. It was able to knock all the people back a few feet.

" Alright! Good job girls!" Asta shouted with a bright smile as he used his anti magic to get rid of some spells that were headed their way.

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