Why We're Here

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry its been a while since I updated this, but I hope it was worth the wait. I know I've been inactive but luckily that'll be changing and I'll be more active on here 😁! Also I apologize that this is mostly OC centric!

And guys? Please don't re-upload my works onto other sites without my permission! If you ask me and are polite usually I agree (as long as you give proper credit and everything ofc!), I promise I'm not that scary 🥺!


The meeting room was shocked into silence. They had just witnessed a friend, a colleague, and arguably one of the most powerful mages in the country be cut down by an unknown enemy. No one knew what to say. Especially to Miku, his 'daughter' who was sobbing beside her 'parents' after having relived what was probably the worst night of her life. Everyone just either stared up to where the memory had been shown, or they looked down in thought.

After a few more minutes of silence Miku dashed out of the meeting room, her sobs echoing down the hallway as she ran.

" Miku!" Brielle shouted as she went to give chase but her sister, Mizuki, grabbed her arm. The short silver haired girl just shook her head at her sister's confused look. Neva let out a soft sigh before turning to look out the doors.

" Don't worry, I'll go see if she's ok. Yuno," Neva turned to look at her friend and let out a soft gasp.

Yuno was pale, his eyes wide and staring down at the ground. There was a bit of sweat on his forehead, he had his hands clenched as he stared down at the ground beneath his feet. Neva gently placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the dark haired boy to jump and look at her, it had been a while since she had seen this look on his face; Yuno was afraid. It had to be shocking seeing yourself die but at the same time absolutely terrifying.

" I'm fine," Yuno told her softly after the two just looked at each other, the dark haired boy shook his head as though to clear his thoughts. " go make sure Miku's ok. I'll fill you in on the rest of the meeting later." He added with a forced smile. Neva knew he was lying but she knew better than to call him out on it, she gave him a small nod before following Miku out the door.

After the door closed behind the platinum blonde haired girl, Alistar let out a somewhat aggravated sigh.

" Well, that memory gave us absolutely nothing." He muttered as he rested his chin atop his clasped hands, the others frowned at him while the Witch Queen stared at him curiously.

" Why do you say that? Her memories gave us more information than what we had before, did it not?" Hikari asked with a small frown, Alistar nodded.

" It did. But it didn't give us the information we needed, such as who killed the King of Spade as well as wiped out the entire country, all it showed us was that they used a form of Shadow or Dark magic. If we go on that information alone it could be anyone," Alistar said in aggravation. " for all we know, from what little we saw it could easily have been anyone, including Captain Sukehiro, Vice Captain Nacht Faust, or even you Hikari." Alistar added, his tone slightly sharper than he intended.

" Hey Golden Boy, watch your tone." Yami warned with a dangerous look in his eye, Alistar nodded before sighing again. He wasn't accusing them of anything, he knew none of them would even think of doing something like that. But he was trying to make a point, he was trying to show that there was many suspects out there that could be the culprits.

" So basically, you put a 12 year old girl through hell for no reason? Sheesh I heard you could be cruel but I didn't know you were that cruel." Josslyn said coldly as she cut him a look, Alistar looked at her as well, his stare as cold as ice.

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