Maelie and Misunderstandings

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Gauche sighed softly as he walked out of the bedroom he, Grey, and Aloys had dropped Maelie off in. The young girl was fast asleep, and hopefully she would stay that way for a while. Aloys decided he was going to sit and wait for her to wake up so he could explain what was going on. Grey and Gauche agreed and decided to leave the siblings for now.

The two walked out of the hallway and were greeted with several eyes staring at them, Grey let out a small yelp and quickly hid behind Gauche. He shook his head, he didn't think she'd ever get over her shyness at this point, but he didn't mind too much. He walked towards the group and could feel Grey had a firm grip on the back of his shirt as they walked.

" How's the kid?" Yami asked as he stood up and walked over to the couches and sat down, Gauche did the same and a few of the others came and sat in the common room as well.

" Which one?" Gauche asked as he crossed his arms. " Aloys is fine, relieved that he found his sister and that she's safe. As for Maelie, she appears to be ok, but she hasn't woken up yet." He shrugged.

" W-We found her in the center of the Northern Woods," Grey stammered as she kept her face partially hidden behind her hands, Yami frowned.

" I thought her brother said they landed in the East woods." Yami crossed his arms as he leaned back on the couch, Charlotte walked over and sat down next to him as Gauche shook his head.

" No, the brat assumed she landed with him in the East woods." Gauche muttered as he unfolded his arms and rested one at his side while the other moved to rest behind Grey. Whether it was a conscious placement no one knew, but it did seem to give Grey a little comfort as she moved her hands further down her face so she could see everyone a bit more.

" So how did you manage to find her?" Charlotte asked curiously, the brunette looked over at the blue haired woman sitting next to him, he watched her face turn a bright shade of red as she looked away from Captain Roselei.

" W-Well, Gauche and I talked about how we pretty much looked through all of the East woods, and so we decided to l-look around the other woods that surrounded the Capitol. We were going counter-clockwise which was why we went to the North Woods first, a-and Maelie was in the center of it just like Aloys was in the East Woods." Grey said fairly quickly as she felt her face burn with embarrassment even more.

" There was a circle of trees almost identical to the ones where Aloys said he woke up, and that's where we found her. The kid hasn't woken up since we found her, so we aren't sure if she's exhausted or if somethings wrong with her." Gauche shrugged when Nebra suddenly let out a small chuckle.

" Or she could be like the Coral Peacocks Captain and just sleep all the time." Nebra suggested as another chuckle escaped her lips.

" Maelie isn't like that," Hikari jumped in suddenly, causing everyone to look over and her and Alistair, both were still standing by the door as the other kids continued to eat at the dining table. " she's a pretty active 9 year old, although she can be pretty shy sometimes, but she doesn't 'sleep' all the time or anything." Hikari explained as she came over and leaned forward on the back of the couch between Yami and Charlotte.

" If I were to guess," Alistar chimed in as he placed a hand under his chin in thought. " Maybe the younger you are, and the less mana you have, the more exhausting the trip is?" He added thoughtfully. The others shrugged or nodded in agreement, that seemed the most logical conclusion. Yami noticed Zora was eyeing Alistair suspiciously and he frowned.

" Something on your mind Zora?" He asked, Zora blinked a bit, apparently he didn't realize he had been staring at the white haired boy for quite some time. Zora looked away with a small smirk.

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