Finding Maelie

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" Where was the last place you saw your sister?" Gauche asked as he, Grey, Yami, and Aloys stood outside of the Castle. They had all agreed to help him look for his sister and, of course, it had to be now that he wanted to look for her. The dark haired boy frowned in thought as he tried to remember.

" Back home. Right as we entered the Time Gate, she was right next to me, but when I woke up she was gone." He muttered the last part softly as he looked away. Grey walked over and placed a gentle hand onto his shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

" It's ok, we'll find her I promise!" She told the boy confidently, Gauche tilted his head slightly, Grey was much more confident and comfortable around Aloy's then anyone else. Maybe because he was a little timid like her? Or was it because he was her, no, their son?

" Ok, that gives us almost nothing to go on." Gauche said with a sigh and the boy glared icily at him.

" 'Almost nothing' is better than completely nothing, y'know." He grumbled, Yami quickly cut between the two before Gauche could retort.

" Look, if you two are gonna squabble and bicker I'm going to send you both home. Together. Where you have no option but to speak and spend time together, understand?" Yami threatened, the two nodded but continued to glare at each other. He turned to Aloys.

" Where did you wake up?" He asked, the boy looked around for a moment.

" Somewhere deep in the woods. I came through the east side of the Capitol so I'm assuming the East Woods." He said with a shrug, he wasn't the best at directions so he easily could have been mistaken, but it was his best guess at the moment.

" Alright then, let's start there." Yami said as he stepped onto his broom. Gauche and Grey did the same and Aloys sat behind Grey on her broom. The four quickly took off into the air and headed towards the East Woods.

" Captain," Gauche called as he flew up next to him. " You know it's a long shot we're going to find anything there right? Even if we happen to find the exact spot where the kid woke up." Gauche pointed out, Yami looked over at him and nodded.

" I know, but it's the only lead we've got." Yami countered. Gauche looked away, he knew the Captain was right, even though he didn't want to admit it. He fell back a few feet and flew a little behind him. Yami shook his head and let a small sigh escape his lips.

So much for getting back home early.


Charlotte looked around the house with a confused frown; where was everyone? She seemed to be the only Captain to have arrived so far, and the kids were nowhere to be seen. She looked down the halls before placing a hand on her hip, where could they be? She looked up as she saw a flash of pink outside the kitchen window. She tilted her head before walking out the side door and heading to what one would consider a backyard. She quickly dodged as a spell went flying past her head.

" Be careful Josslyn you could've gotten someone killed if you don't learn to watch where you're aiming!" Hikari shouted, Charlotte frowned as she approached the two girls, were they training?

" Geez, tone it down Hikari, it's not like anyone got hurt. Oh hi Captain Suke-, I mean, Captain Roselei." Josslyn said as she suddenly noticed the blonde Captain approaching them, Hikari turned around and smiled at her 'mother'.

" Josslyn, Hikari," Charlotte nodded at the two before standing in front of them with her arms crossed." What are you two doing?"

" Training." They answered in unison, both girls looked at each other before laughing a bit, they did have the tendency to answer at the same time. Charlotte smiled softly before nodding.

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