Moms and Dads

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A/N: Hi guys here's chapter 25, there's still quite a bit of OC content in this chapter, but there'll be more Canon Characters in the next chapter and towards the end of this one! Also you guys will finally get to meet Alistar's mom aka William's wife 👀. Hehe I hope you all enjoy!
Also since it's been a while: I do not own Hikari, Josslyn, Ace, Solara, Aika, Leon, Cyraleona, Hana, and Einar! They all belong to my mutuals!


" M-Mom?"

Hikari frowned, mom? She turned to look and saw he was staring at the woman at the flower shop. That...that woman couldn't possibly be his mom right? She was dead. But then again, they were in the past, which meant she was still alive here. She gently shook Alistar's shoulder to try and snap him out of it.

" That's...are you sure that's your mom?" She asked softly, and the white haired man nodded numbly. " But I thought you didn't know what she looked like?"

" I've only seen one picture of her," Alistar admitted softly, his eyes never leaving the ash-blonde haired woman. " My father hid all the pictures of her, and one day when I was little I found a couple of pictures my father had of her so I know what she looks like, and that's her." He explained, Hikari nodded. She remembered her mother telling her about that, that Captain Vangeance had taken down the pictures of his wife, because it hurt him too much to look at them.

Hikari watched Alistar, she couldn't even begin to imagine what he was feeling right now. If it were her, she would probably be in such shock that she would just freeze up or even run away. But it almost seemed like Alistar was glued to the spot.

" Do," Hikari started hesitantly. " Do you want to go talk to her?" She asked, finally Alistar tore his eyes away from his mother and looked at the dark haired girl. His eyes were full of fear and hesitation.

" I don't know, I want to. But I'm scared. I'm scared she won't be like how I imagined, what if she's completely different?" He asked his friend softly, she knew he had this image of his mother in his head and he was terrified of it being shattered.

" There's only one way to find out isn't there?" She told him kindly, she watched him shake his head quickly.

" Or what if she's exactly how I imagined and when I go back home, where she's gone, and it just makes me miss her more and it makes..." he trailed off, the last line hanging in the air, he and Hikari both knew what he was going to say.

What if it made him blame himself more?

" Alistar listen to me," Hikari started as she gently cupped his face, she watched as his pale cheeks suddenly turned a bright shade of red at the action. " this may be your only chance to see and talk to your mom, do you really want to waste it on 'what if's'?" She asked, she watched him blink for a few seconds.

She was right, this was his only chance. Once his mission was complete he would never come back here, and he would never see his mother again. But all those what if's were still swimming around in his head.

" I'll go with you, if you want?" Hikari suggested. She didn't want him to miss his chance and she knew deep down Alistar didn't want to either. She watched him nod slowly, she dropped her hands from his face and turned. His mother was still outside, tending to the plants. She gave the white haired man a gentle nudge before they both slowly made their way to her.

Alistar quickly wiped his hands on his pants, he couldn't remember the last time he was so nervous. Maybe when all the Captain's children fought one another? No, even then he wasn't nervous. He looked up at the sign of the store and tilted his head curiously.

" 'Cinnamon's Flower Shop'?" He muttered to himself.

" That's right!" A voice exclaimed suddenly, Alistar and Hikari both jumped and saw his mother standing next to them with a proud look on her face. Alistar suddenly tried to take a step back but Hikari placed a gentle hand on his back to keep him there.

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