We've Been Waiting for You

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's chapter 27 hehe, the group finally makes it to the future and it's um...not quite what they expected 😅! They run across a few people they weren't expecting to meet and notice some very strange things 👀. Anyway I hope you all enjoy~!


" A-Are you kidding?" Ezio asked shakily as everyone just stared at him, he was their way home? This entire time it was him?

" Seriously?! The gutless wonder is the one who can take us back?!" Josslyn shouted in shock, Ezio blinked and turned to look at the pink haired girl.

" 'The gutless wonder'?!" He nearly shouted before the Witch Queen held up her hand to quiet the two down.

" I'm not kidding, and yes Ezio is the key to getting you all home. But right now the only ones going back are the ones I said, the rest of you will be staying here." The Witch Queen said as she walked away and sat back down.

" So, how does his magic work now?" Vanessa asked curiously.

" It works the same as it did before, just now he can go across space and time, but he has the same limitations as normal spatial mages." The Witch Queen explained, Finral frowned a bit.

" Then how can he go across space and time if he can only go to places he's been before?" He asked curiously, she sighed and glared slightly at him.

" Don't you think that's something Ezio should figure out for himself?" She asked sternly, Finral immediately stood up straight and nodded. " Now, don't you think it's time to start the mission?" She asked Julius curiously.

" Yes I think you're right," Julius turned to Ezio. " We'll discuss more about your magic when everyone gets back." He added with a smile, Ezio nodded.

Everyone stood up from their seats and followed Julius to the castle's basement. Everyone was nervous even if they wouldn't admit it. They had no idea what they could be walking into, they could walk into this grand and amazing future, or they could be walking into the one from Miku's memory. As Julius opened the door to the basement everyone stood around amazed at how much stuff was inside. There were books, scrolls, gadgets, everything you could have ever imagined.

" Here's the Time Gate." Julius said as they approached it.

It wasn't big nor was it small, what one could assume was the entrance was circular, there was an archway above it with writing that no one recognized. On the right side there was a panel big enough for someone to place their hand, and from what the Witch Queen said that person would have to be Ezio.

" So this is it?" Yami asked with a frown. " It looks like it could crumble at any minute." He muttered but Julius shook his head with a small laugh.

" It won't don't worry, it's as sturdy as the Castle itself." Julius assured them as he walked up to it. " Now from what the Witch Queen told us, all Ezio has to do is place his hand here and the portal will open." Julius added as he inspected the panel.

" Um question," Ezio started as he raised his hand. " How do I send them back to the right time? I mean, what happens if I accidentally send them too far or to soon?" He asked, Julius frowned a bit.

" I assume it works like your spatial magic," he told the pink haired boy. " So just think of the place you want to send them like you would any other time." He added with a small smile, Ezio looked back at the Wizard King nervously before nodding.

" O-Okay." He muttered before he approached the panel.

Yami turned away and looked at the people beside him. William, Charlotte, Hikari, and Alistar all had this steely, determined look on their faces. He was glad to see they were taking this just as seriously as he was, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were a little nervous, or uncertain, by what they were about to see.

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