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(A/N: Hi guys! Here's chapter 12 of COTF, i wasn't originally going to add this to the series but I changed my mind because there's a certain key plot point I needed the character for so ta-da! Anyway I hope you all enjoy~! Btw you don't have to read "Fractured" to understand since this still isn't canon to that series! Also Solara belongs to thoughtfullyrainy  while Aika belongs to simpingforthisonedeer on tumblr and Neva is my OC i created just in case people were wondering 🥰!)


Neva yawned a bit as she stretched, she and Yuno were currently patrolling the Capital as Captian Vangeance ordered them too. He said there were some strange happenings going on concerning children and the Wizard King ordered all Magic Knights that were stationed at the Capital to be on the lookout for any children who appeared to be lost or confused. But she had to admit, she was bored. She was glad for a small break the first couple of days, but it was nearly a week now! Yuno appeared to be content, but she could tell, he was slightly restless as well.

" Tired?" He asked after she had finished yawning, Neva shook her head and sighed a bit.

" No, just bored with all of this patrolling." She admitted with a shrug. " I mean, no one knows where these kids are coming from and how they can even remotely be from the future, for all we know they could be spies or something." She muttered. Yuno frowned in thought,

" I don't think so, from what the Captain told us they all seem to truly be their children. Remember the Wizard Kings assistant Marx can see their memories so I'm sure they went through them to verify their identities." Yuno explained, Neva nodded thoughtfully.

" True. But if someone was determined enough, couldn't they have implanted these children with false memories?" Neva suggested, her distrust of others showing slightly. She had been trying recently to trust the people in her squad more, and even a few people outside her squad. But with all these children suddenly showing up it was suspicious, she knew there had to be a reason why, but it was that exact thing that made her nervous about this whole thing.

" It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility, but someone would have to be really determined and have something big in mind if they were to go to those lengths. It also doesn't explain their resemblance." Yuno pointed out, he had a good point. From what she had heard from Solara, Leonidas, Solara and Fuegoleon's son from the future, looked like a mixture of her and Fuegoleon. Which also helped their case of being from the future.

" Ugh this is just so strange and confusing." Neva said in an aggravated tone, Yuno laughed softly.

" It is. But it can't be helped." He shrugged before he suddenly stopped walking. " Hey Neva, look over there, doesn't that kid seem lost?" He pointed to a small girl amongst a large crowd, she looked completely out of place.

The girl was wearing a dark black and purple dress that completely clashed with the warm earthy tones of the people that surrounded her. Her pale skin and dark hair also made her stick out like a sore thumb, plus her confused and slightly scared face seemed to prove what both Yuno and Neva were thinking.

She was another child from the future.

Yuno and Neva both made their way through the crowd slowly, they didn't want to frighten the girl more than what she already was. She hadn't seemed to notice their presence yet, Neva had a feeling all of this was probably overwhelming the poor girl. When they came closer she noticed the girl couldn't be more than 12 at the oldest. Suddenly the girl turned and stared straight at them, her face paled even more.

" Crap." Neva muttered just as the girl started running. " Hey wait!" She yelled before taking off after the girl, Yuno quickly used his wind magic and lifted himself up into the air.

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