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Yami sighed as he and the others flew back to his and Charlotte's newly shared home, now they were supposed to be going back to their respective hideouts, but at the last minute Julius had a thought.

" Hey, since Josslyn seems to know Hikari, why don't you all stay together? I mean, I'm sure the house is big enough for all of you to stay there comfortably. Plus it'll help us be able to keep an eye on them." Julius had explained to them before they walked out of the office.

Yami shook his head, leave it to Julius to come up with a crazy idea like that! But when he thought about it, it made sense for all of them to be staying together even though none of them liked it very much. Zora had gone back to the Black Bulls hideout to get some of his things while Nebra and Nozel went back to the Silver Eagles to get her things as well. So Yami was left in charge of Josslyn and Ace for a little while, which he wasn't looking forward to too much. He already had how many teens/young adults to look after?!

The three landed in front of the house and he heard Josslyn chuckle.

" This is it? It looks like a complete dump." She muttered as she looked the house up and down.

" I think it looks nice." Ace said with a smile as he grabbed his older sister's arm and dragged her inside the house. " Come on Josslyn I wanna see what it looks like inside!" He added as he pushed open the door, Yami tilted his head; the boy had been so quiet and shy earlier, but now that it was just him and his sister he seemed a little more energetic. Yami followed them inside and closed the door behind him.

Ace looked around in silent wonder; this place wasn't nearly as nice or as big as his home, but it was still nice! It seemed warm, cozy, even inviting! Plus, this was the start of a new adventure! Sure he didn't have any of his friends with him, but he did have his big sister with him so he wouldn't have to worry! He looked up at his sister and saw her still wearing that scowl on her face.

" Are you ok?" He asked her softly, she nodded before crossing her arms.

" Fine. This just puts a wrinkle in my plans, the sooner we can get back to our own time the better." She muttered before looking around the common room again.

" But, we don't even know why or how mom and dad sent us here in the first place. So how are we supposed to get back home?" He asked her softly, he wanted to get back home just as much as she did, but a small piece of him wanted to stay long enough to see how different this time was to theirs.

" I haven't figured that part out yet. But I will, I promise Ace, I'll get us back home come hell or high water." Josslyn said determinedly, Yami walked past the two and sat down on one of the couches.

Yami looked around and frowned; where were Charlotte and Hikari? He figured they'd have come out when he got back. As if on cue he sensed someone coming into the room and when he looked over it was Hikari.

" Oh you're back, is everything ok-?" Hikari paused as she saw the red haired boy and pink haired girl. " Ace? Josslyn?! You're here too!" She asked as she walked up to the two. Josslyn crossed her arms and smirked.

" Well look what the cat dragged in. You're a sight for sore eyes Sukehiro." Josslyn teased, Hikari laughed and shook her head.

" It's good to see you too Josslyn. It's good to see you as well Ace." Hikari said with a smile on her face, she hadn't been expecting anyone else to be coming from her time. She thought she was the only one. A small piece of her was thankful that she wouldn't be alone here, another part of her hoped that maybe some of the others were here too!

" Hi Hikari!" Ace said cheerfully, he had met the young Sukehiro many times before since Josslyn and her were best friends.

" So you two were sent back here as well?" Hikari asked, she noticed Josslyn look over at Yami with a small frown, Hikari recognized that look; she didn't trust him.

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