Behind the Mask

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A/N: Hi guys! Here's chapter 24 of COTF hehe, this one is super long I hope that's ok 😅! This chapter mentions two other "future children" and their mother Solara who all belong to thoughtfullyrainy she just let me borrow them for the series 😁💕! The mana zone mentioned was an idea created by Rising_Generation so that belongs to her as well 😁 and this chapter mentions another fic I wrote called 'Rain' which is on my tumblr if you guys want to read. I hope you all enjoy! Also there's a, hm, lovely surprise at the end too hehe 👀.


" W-What did I do?"

As Alistar's soft question hung in the air, Hikari lowered her Katana. A similar scene played out a long time ago. She watched as tears pooled in Alistar's ice blue eyes and all she wanted to do was wrap him in her arms and hug him, but as she reached a hand towards him Josslyn began to scream.

" Hikari get away from him! He's a freaking psycho!" She screamed as Yami released her from Alistar's spell. Hikari turned towards the pink haired girl.

" Josslyn, just be quiet for a second! He isn't going to hurt anyone!"

" He already did!" The girl shouted again, Hikari looked around as William and her 'father' continued releasing people from Alistar's spell. She saw minor injuries, mostly cuts and bruises, but nothing serious. But she couldn't deny that Josslyn was right, he did hurt people.

" Alistar-. Alistar?" Hikari started as she turned around to face him, but when she did he was gone. Hikari blinked before looking around wildly. When she looked towards the house she saw one of the brooms was missing, she then looked towards the sky and saw Alistar flying away as quickly as he could.

" Alistar! Alistar come back!" Hikari shouted before taking off running towards the house, she quickly grabbed a broom herself and took off after him.

" Hikari wait!" Yami shouted before turning to release Charlotte, who nodded in thanks.

" What was that? I've never seen anything like that before." Charlotte said as she rubbed her sore wrists, Yami looked down and saw slight bruises already forming. He already didn't like Alistar that much and now he didn't like him even more.

" It was some sort of mana zone," William said as he walked towards Yami and Charlotte. " I'm not sure how it works, but apparently Alistar losing control activated it." William added, Yami and Charlotte nodded. This was probably some new ability the kids learned in the future.

" I'll take care of everyone here, you two go after Hikari and Alistar." Charlotte suggested. Yami and William nodded.

" You sure you're alright?" Yami asked in slight worry, Charlotte nodded.

" It takes a lot more than a few cuts and bruises to take me down." Charlotte said light heartedly before she walked over and helped a few of the kids up, Yami chuckled a bit as what she said was true. He then followed William as they went towards the house, grabbed the remaining brooms, and took off after Hikari and Alistar.


Hikari tried to follow behind Alistar quickly, but he was soon out of her sight. She sighed in slight irritation, how was it he could make his broom fly that fast but she couldn't? She shook her head. There was really only one place he could go, and that was the Capital.

So she at least knew where to start her search.

After a few more minutes of flying she landed right at the edge of the City. She couldn't sense his mana anywhere nearby which only confirmed that he was probably further in the city. So she stood there for a few minutes in thought, where would he go if he was in the city? She turned slightly, she knew her 'father' and Captain Vangeance weren't too far behind her and she knew she had to find Alistar before they did.

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