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A/N: Hi guys! I'm so sorry its taken so long to get this chapter out, I hope you guys enjoy it! Chapter 14 will be posted soon I gotta make a few edits first but it should only be a day or two hehe. Also the story is kinda picking up a bit in this chapter but not too much hehe, but I hope you all enjoy~!


William glanced over his shoulder at the two members of his squad, Yuno and Neva, and their 'daughter' Miku. This wasn't what he had been expecting when Marx asked him to come up to the castle as there was something he needed to see, but Yami seemed to have an inkling because he had the smuggest grin on his face and was almost too happy about William getting a call from Marx. That should have been his first clue as to what was going on.

After Marx had met him at the doors and explained the situation William had been expecting the members to be either Klaus or even Alecdora, but insteadWilliam had been very surprised to see that it was in fact Yuno and Neva. Those were the last two he had thought of when Marx was telling him the details, but after seeing the young girl and seeing his two squad members there was no denying that she was their daughter. She looked like Neva but with black hair, her serious face was a perfect blend of Yuno's and Neva's, but she appeared to carry herself more like Yuno then Neva. This was interesting.

" Is everyone alright?" William asked as he glanced over his shoulder, the three nodded but remained silent. Apparently they were all still trying to process this information, it was no secret that Yuno and Neva had a crush on each other, but it seemed the only ones who didn't know about this, were the two in question. William let out a soft sigh before walking out the castle doors and walking towards the brooms.

" Captain, where exactly are we going?" Neva asked as she grabbed one of the brooms, Yuno began to use his wind magic to make himself a transportation vessel. Miku looked between the two before walking towards Neva and her broom, apparently she wasn't very comfortable flying using wind magic.

" We have a house not too far from here that we've all been staying in the past few days, just until we've gotten things sorted out with the children and how to get them back home." William explained simply before stepping onto his broom, Neva did the same as Miku sat behind her and wrapped her arms around the blonde haired woman's middle, and Yuno summoned his wind vessel.

" 'We've'?" Both Neva and Yuno said at the same time, just how many people were there?


They all landed softly outside the house a few moments later and walked up to the door, dread was steadily filling William. He knew Yami was going to enjoy this too much, especially since so far every child had been connected to the Black Bulls in some way. He opened the door slowly and looked inside, some of the kids appeared to be at the dining table while others were in the common room. Zora and Nebra were on two opposite ends of the common room, would there come a time those two could look past their differences? Even if it was only for Ace's sake? William didn't know at this point. Charlotte and Yami were sitting at the dining table with Alistar and Hikari, all of them appeared to be having a pleasant conversation. Except Yami continuously glared at Alistar, probably because of what Zora said yesterday.

" Y'know Captain," Neva started as she looked around the house. " when you said 'we' I was kind of assuming there would be a few people but not-."

" Almost an entire squad." Yuno finished as he looked around himself, William let out a soft chuckle before nodding in agreement.

" Yes, I guess you could say we're slowly becoming our own squad. But we make it work." William shrugged before everyone finally seemed to take notice that there were new people in the house.

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