Chapter 263: Unhealthy Cat

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Compared to Liu Man's happiness, at this moment, Tao Zhiyao was feeling very gloomy.

The method Yu Zhan taught her, which required her to feed her cat goat milk, did not work at all. No matter what she fed Pear, he wouldn't stop barfing. Now, he couldn't even drink water, and he was very feeble.

Tao Zhiyao, feeling pained, took the cat into her arms and told her driver to immediately send her to Yu Zhan's pet clinic.

The pet clinic was at its peak of receiving customers during the afternoon. Even if one had to reserve a spot, customers still came one after another.

These past few days, Ye Ziliang, who had lost his job, had been voluntarily helping Yu Zhan in his clinic. He would be playing the front desk role as a desk and welcome the customers, helping the nurse do a part of her job.

Firstly, he would be making up for the film payment he owed Yu Zhan. Secondly, he wanted to find the inspiration for the second episode of "Vet's Cuties" by whelming himself in the nurse's busy assisting work.

Tao Zhiyao's car parked at the entrance of the clinic, and she hurriedly rushed in with the cat in her arms. Her driver, who was worried about them, followed closely behind.

Ye Ziliang saw her, and she also saw Ye Ziliang. Not having the time to ask Ye Ziliang why he was here, Tao Zhiyao said to him, "Is Yu Zhan busy?"

Tao Zhiyao had always had a look on that read: "I have money, so I'm calm". This was the first time Ye Ziliang had seen her be so flustered and anxious. He had also noticed the kitten in her arms, looking pained and weak; obviously, something was wrong.

"I'll go urge him," Ye Ziliang checked the time. The last customer had already been in for more than half an hour. Ye Ziliang remembered this customer deeply; she was a millionaire's wife, who was here with her Ragdoll cat, and she wore all kinds of expensive items. When she reserved a spot, the sign-in chart said her pet was not having a good appetite and was barfing. She had already been here once yesterday, and Yu Zhan had examined her Ragdoll cat. He told her that there wasn't a big issue, and she just had to be careful of what she feeds the cat.

As a result, she came again today. Yu Zhan invited her and her cat into the consulting room, and their discussion went on for more than half an hour. Fifteen minutes ago, the nurse also went into the consulting room. The door was tightly shut, so the conversation between the trio was unknown to the others.

Ye Ziliang walked to the entrance of the consulting room and could hear the faint conversation from inside. He knocked on the door, and the voices stopped talking. The nurse opened the door, and before she could hide the impatience in her eyes, she helplessly asked Ye Ziliang,

"What? Is the next customer here?"

Ye Ziliang glanced at the rich woman inside the consulting room. She was glaring at him with an unfriendly look, and the Ragdoll cat was in her arms. He then looked at Yu Zhan, who was sitting opposite her. Yu Zhan still looked calmed and unhurried, but the entire room's atmosphere was not so well.

Ye Ziliang told the nurse and Yu Zhan, "Peach is here. Her cat seems to be in a critical situation."

Yu Zhan heard his words, immediately stood up, and said to the rich woman, "Mrs. Qian, my results for your cat's body check says that she is not sick. If you don't believe me, you can go to other pet clinics to examine her again. Now, I have to welcome other customers. Xiao Jie, see Mrs. Qian out."

TL's Note: Xiao Jie is the nurse, although the author has never said it before.

The nurse silently rolled her eyes somewhere the rich woman couldn't see her. She must've stepped on dog poop to meet such a great customer. This woman came to their clinic today just to argue against her boss!

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