~ chapter 2 ~ trailer and secrets

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We were just standing there in the middle of a parking lot. We were hugging. Tightly. Body to body. I think I've dreamed about that hug for years now. I had a crush on her on her since Heathers.. I'm not sure about if it ever stopped.

It was still dark outside and that's probably because we met to work earlier than everybody else. She had her tiny but cute arms wrapped around my neck. She could barely reach, so she had to stand on her toes to reach me. I had my arms on her lower back. She was so thin, she had the perfect size.

It felt like a million years. Not because it was a bad thing at all! It just felt so good. Every bad thing just disappeared while hugging her. I felt complete.

Even though I should feel like that when I'm with Lily. But I guess I don't. She smelled like heaven I don't know why she was wearing perfume today, she normally doesn't, but I really enjoyed it.

I hope she likes mine too. I have never been this close to her physically, and not in this long amount of time. But it was so nice! Wow. This felt really good.


He smelled so good. Jesus. Oh my god I think it was the same perfume he once used before. I remember I told him it smelled good. Did he remember that? Or is it just a coincidence?

He had his big and soft arms wrapped around my lower back. If he just moved his hands a little bit down he would touch my butt. Wait, why am I even thinking that?! Oh my god, Winona get real.

This was the best feeling ever. No one hugs like David. I just realized. I could go on like this forever. What? Winona, you are in a relationship! But sometimes I wish Scott was like David...

Then unfortunately our lovely hug ended because some car drove into the parking lot. He just smiled at me and said "thank you" "thank you? Why are you saying thank you?" I asked him. "Because that was probably the nicest thing somebody did to me in a very long time."

I just gave him a huge smile and said "you're welcome". I earned a big smiled back. It kinda looked like he was blushing.. or maybe he was just hot. Or I mean.. of course he's hot! I mean hot like he feels hot.. maybe he's both.

We are walking towards our trailers. No one really said anything, I think we're both thinking about our hug. I have never tried something like this before. But I gotta say, that was probably the best hug I've ever had in my entire life.

I felt safe and protected form everything bad. Did he like the hug? I really hope he enjoyed our hug as much as I did.

I also really kinda hoped our trailers would be somewhat next to each other. Or at least close so we could say hi to each other. And of course have our wonderful conversations and small talks.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us. Then David stopped and looked me in the eyes, "I hope my trailer is close to your trailer." he said and smiled nervously. "Yeah! I really have my fingers crossed." I said and showed my crossed fingers to him. David just laughed and we were walking again.

David pointed at our two trailers right next to each other with our names on them. He said "perfect". Perfect. What does he mean? Did he think it was perfect? Of course he does or else he wouldn't say it. We both smiled and walked towards the trailers.


We were in my trailer. Winona already finished putting her stuff in the right places in her trailer, so she helped me finish mine. "Done." She said and gave me a big beautiful smile. I smiled again and said "thank you, that was very nice of you, I really appreciated that". "Oh come on! That was nothing."

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