~ chapter 7 ~ bloody scars

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It said 'Ross Duffer'. I was about to poop my pants, because I thought it was Scott calling.

David answered and said "yes?". David slowly got up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

He softly said something like "yeah.. I'm not sure I'm coming.. because something very tragic happened to Winona, and she needs me here.

I could only hear what David said, I couldn't hear what Ross said in the phone.

"Okay.. I'll tell you, but don't tell it to the rest of the world, because she told me not to tell anyone, but I thought you should now why we're not coming to work and so... well her boyfriend.."

"yeah his name is Scott, yeah. He has abused her, many times and he's- he is not normal. Scott hurt her. So she needs my help."

I tried not to listen to their conversation because I don't want to seem too curious. I took off my shirt so that David easier could disinfect my wounds. I honestly didn't care, if he only saw me wearing a bra. David is not like Scott.

David came back looking surprised seeing me in only my pants and my bra...

"Okay, Ross told me, it was my job to make you feel better and get better. Tomorrow or today we'll be calling the police and notify them about everything that he did to you. In a week, if you're okay, then we'll get back to work, sounds okay?"

"Sounds perfect, thank you David." "My pleasure. Okay, so uhhh why did you take off your s- shirt?"
He confusingly asked me.

"Because then I thought it would be easier for you to disinfect my wounds.." "Oh okay, you really don't have to do that, if it makes you uncomfortable in any way..." he quickly replied.

"It's you, David. It's just you. I'm more than comfortable around you." He smiled as an answer and began to clean and disinfect my arms.


I finished her arms and then I asked her "do you think you have wounds or something else left?"

"Uuuh I don't know I think I was bleeding a little from my back, he scratched it with something.." she said with a scared look in her face.

She turned, so I could look at her back. Fuck. There was a big scar with very dark blood.

I was stubborn.

"W- Winona?" "Yeah?" "Can you hand my me phone, sorry, but this is very bad. Doesn't it hurt?"

She handed me my phone, I took a picture and showed her the bloody scar. She gasped. "Oh my!"

I finished cleaning all of her wounds, there were many. While disinfecting her scratch on her back, I was being very careful. I tried to be as gentle as possible.

"I think I'm finished now, I'm so sorry, Winona.. everything you've been through.. it must have been... hard."

She gave me a sad smile. "Thank you for everything." She whispered but it looked like she was on the verge of tears.

She started crying quietly. Then she looked at me, in the eyes. We had eye contact. She's been through hell and back. You can see how miserable she is, in her beautiful eyes.

There's a story behind her beautiful smile. There has been, for awhile.

"Hey, come here." I softly said and hugged her tightly. She fit perfectly in my arms. Like a puzzle. It was like when I hugged her, I felt complete. Happy. She was only wearing a bra...

We were just hugging, on my couch. My arms wrapped around her tiny figure. Her head against my chest. Then she let go and looked me in the eyes.

Winona and David ❤️Where stories live. Discover now