~ chapter 12 ~ pretty stars

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A distant soft voice said "David, sweetheart, wake up."

"Hmm.." I groggily answered. I know that's not much of an answer, but I'm tired. Then I opened my eyes, Winona was just smiling, looking like an angel.

"Hey baby, you finally woke up. Look like you slept pretty good, this is not a dream by the way." She said and chuckled.

"Good morning." I said and then she kissed me.

I broke the kiss "how'd you sleep?" I asked her.
"Oh David, this was a confusing night, but when I slept, I slept so good." She answered.

"Good." I said and properly kissed her. "I- I really love your beard, it's sexy." She said and blushed a little.

"Really?" I asked her, not believing what she just said.

"YES. You are so sexy sexy sexy." She answered and kissed me again.

"Well you are even more sexy sexy sexy." I answered her.

She chuckled and said "I think not."

"Stop with that. Come let's go eat some breakfast, sexy beautiful angel. And that you are. No way I'm discussing that." I said and sat up in the bed.

She just gave me a look and kissed me properly while I carried her to the kitchen. She screamed and laughed. "D-David when did you become this strong?" She said and giggled.

"Training and working out. Plus, you weigh nothing, you're so tiny and cute."

She looked angry at me, good she's an actress she was actually just laughing. I placed her on the couch walking towards the kitchen: "Hey don't leave me here!" She said and ran over to me.

"What do you want to eat? I have toast-"

"I'd love that!" She said and smiled brightly.

I started preparing the toasts.


We had eaten breakfast, lunch and right now David was cooking dinner.

"Are you sure you don't need just a little bit of my assistance?" I asked him.

"Nope. You've been through enough." He answered and smiled softly.

"But cooking isn't a bad thing-"

"Shhh. You are still hurt, you're wounds still hurt."

"Okay." I said and laughed.

"Can I at least.. do this...?" I said and interrupted his cooking and hugged him instead. My arms around his neck, his arms around my waist, close to my butt..

"Do I have a choice?" He asked and smiled softly. Giggling.

"Nah." I replied and kissed his cheek.

"Just like you used to do in my trailer.. the selfies.."

"Yeah! I love it, good ol times. We aren't stopping that, now I'm just allowed to kiss your mouth as well." I said smirking.

"Yeah. I mean you were also allowed to kiss me on my mouth before..." He said and kissed me. I was in the middle of the kitchen counter and David's body. "Now baby, you have to move a little, or I'm gonna burn the rice!" He said and kissed my cheek.

"Okay, okay fine." I said and moved so he could take care of the rice.

"I had a crush on you in high school." He said and walked toward the table. "Sit down." He said and pulled out a chair for me. "Thank you- how.. who.. what..?" I asked confused.

Winona and David ❤️Where stories live. Discover now