~ chapter 8 ~ asleep in a chair

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I called 911. I was waiting for somebody to answer the phone. Meanwhile I could just look at Winona. Adore her. Oh. She was already looking at me. I smiled and I quickly earned one back.

Then she wrapped her blanket around her tighter, because she was cold. She just sat there, in her own thoughts. What were she thinking about?

"You've called 911" said a distant female voice. Shit. I forgot I even called them. I was busy looking at Winona.

"Yeah, my name is David.. David Harbour.. I umm.. we'll I have a friend.. a dear friend.. Winona.. Winona Ryder.. and her boyfriend is very violent. You might want to interrogate him. He's umm.. he's h- he's raped her. He's beating her and he's a psycho. You should catch him, before he starts doing it to other innocent women too."

"I'm sorry to hear that, can you come to the police station and tell me his full name?"

I looked at Winona. She looked a little scared.

"Yes, we'll be there soon. His name is Scott Mackinlay Hahn."

"Thank you sir, see you in a bit."


I was lost in my thoughts, when David interrupted me and said "are you ready to go to the police station?"

"W- what?" I said and looked at him.

"They are gonna search up his address, as they're gonna interrogate him. You are going to tell them everything. Just like you told me. It's gonna be okay." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, that's good, right?" I said confused.

"Yeah, yes it is. You can keep that clothes on, they'll understand." He said and took my hand and helped me get up. Not because I needed it, he was just genuinely a nice man.

We took on our shoes, he took on his jacket. "Do you wanna borrow a jacket?" He asked me and gave me a little smile.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." I quickly replied.

He took a jacket and helped me get my arms in it. "There you go." "Thank you." I smiled he gave me a smile too.


I opened the car door so she didn't have to do that herself. "Thank you" she said and gave me a cute little smile.

It only took ten to fifteen minutes to get there. We were driving, and Winona looked a little nervous.

"Are you nervous?" I carefully asked her.

She quickly responded "yeah, I really am."

"Don't be, they're nice. They've been working with people going through the same as you many times before. It's gonna be alright."

She nodded in response. No one said anything.

We got out of the car, and walked towards the door. When we entered we got welcomed by a nice old lady behind the desk.

"Hello Winona and David. Officer Tom Hudgins will be talking to you. It's that way." She said and pointed in the direction to the office.


Hi, Winona. David? You'll just be waiting outside, thank you.

What! No. David is gonna be here with me... or that's what I hoped. David looked at me and quickly whispered "it's okay." Then he smiled and sat on a chair outside the door.

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