~ chapter 3 ~ a peaceful moment

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Oh my god. What if Scott did that to her? He would never do that.. would he? Oh no. I need to help her, I really need to help her! "Winona?"


David broke the lovely moment of silence. He called my name, but he sounded very concerned. "Yeah..? What is it, Harbour? " I said and smiled. "Ummm what's... that on.. your wrist..?" David asked very concerned. My smile stopped. Shit. He saw my scratches. Fuck! What am I gonna tell him? "Winona?!" yelled David.

"It's.. It's nothing.. really it's nothing at all. I just um- I were shopping you know.. at a mall... and stuff.. and then um.. the bags.. they were heavy.. very very heavy.. like so heavy you can't believe it.. so um yeah that's probably just why. It doesn't hurt at all. There's n-nothing to worry about." I said with a shaking voice.

He doesn't have to know about it. He can't know about it. It was Scott...  he tied a rope around my wrists. They were tied very tight. Too tight... It really hurt.

But Scott liked that, he liked seeing me hurt. He was a psychopath. And then he did something else to me.. David don't have to know, he has a lot on his shoulders too right now. I have to be there for him.

"Are-are you sure?" David asked he was very serious and really concerned. I nodded, also very serious. Geez that was very close.

Too close. I let go of his hands because he didn't have to get even more suspicious. I looked down at the table. I just couldn't look him in the eyes.. he knows me too well.


She was lying. She WAS lying. I don't know what happened but I know it wasn't when she was shopping. She's lying. She's hiding something from me. She doesn't shop very often. There's also corona so it wouldn't be the most practical time to do it.

I'm so concerned right now. My heart was beating really fast. Did he hurt her? She is just looking down, she wouldn't look me in the eyes. I think she's hiding something.

She has to be hiding something! I really just want to help her, I might think Scott is violent or something.. I honestly just want her to be happy, and from I just saw, she's not right now.

I hope I didn't ruin anything. Because things were great before, but now she's acting weird. Her voice was shaking when she told me about her wrists. I feel like I have this love for Winona, that I don't have with anyone else. I don't know how to describe it. But she's very important to me.


He was very concerned. He also looked very concerned. I wanted to just cry and just tell him everything. Everything about it, but I feel like I can't.. Scott told me not to tell anyone. He almost threatened me.. or he did. His exact words were:

Winona, you fucking bitch, if you tell anyone and I mean ANYONE. You're really gonna regret it.

"David?" I said and he looked me in they eyes. "Winona?" He answered. "I need to just um do something in my trailer, okay?" I said carefully. I didn't want to leave but I kind of had to. He just nodded and I felt heartbroken. I didn't want to leave him. But that's what would be the best, because he was already very suspicious.


Winona left me in my trailer. Now I was all alone, and I was thinking. There was about thirty minutes to it all started. I couldn't stop thinking. I thought about Winona. Is she okay? I once heard a quote that relies on this situation that might be happening.

When you love someone, you protect them from the pain, you don't become the cause of it.

I just sat there in my trailer. Millions and millions thoughts crossed my mind. Is she okay? How long time has this been going on? Am I too protective? Is Scott innocent? I don't think he's innocent. Is he? What happened? Did she do it to herself? Does anybody else know?


I really didn't want to leave. We were having a nice conversation and all of that until he asked me about my wrist. Then it got serious. He was actually just being nice. That's a typical David. I really wanted to hug David and just cry. Then he could tell me that everything would be fine. But I can't.

I haven't heard from Scott in days. Well I don't really care. I only care when he gets home because then he's probably very mad. He's very jealous when I'm with David... he doesn't like that I'm an actress because then other men than him gets to kiss me.

There was only ten minutes until we started. Then I could think about something else. I had one scene with Millie, then after, I had some scenes with David.


I walked to the big hall where we all are supposed to meet. Winona was already there, well I think so. Because she wasn't in her trailer.

I found a chair next to Winona. Then I sat down next to her. She looked at me nervously and then she smiled. I gave her a smile back. I really hope she's okay. What is she thinking right now?

The Duffers came inside the hall and started talking about their plans for this season. I just couldn't concentrate, all I could think of was Winona. I have to ask her again before we separate and go home. What if she's scared to go home? I have to know what's going on or I won't sleep tonight.


I don't think David is listening at all to what the two Duffers are saying. He looks very concentrated. Maybe he's thinking about our conversation? I just took a moment to look at him. Oh my, he was so handsome. Shit. He noticed me staring. Then he gave me a warm smile but he still looked very concerned. He was so nice to me. Then I looked at the Duffers.

I turned my head in the direction of David. He was already staring. We got eye contact, but it wasn't awkward at all. We were just looking at each other. We didn't need words, we just looked at each other and smiled.

We got interrupted by Matt, who said "somebody's being in a very calm and peaceful moment. Sorry to ruin that, but we have to get to work." and then the whole cast laughed. We're both blushing.


Matt's very funny joke made the whole cast laugh. I wish I had a mirror because I'm pretty sure I was blushing. Winona definitely was blushing. She looked cute. If Matt just knew what was going on. He didn't know anything about her wrists..

I first had scenes alone and then I had some scenes with Winona. Winona waved at me and I did the same to her. She smiled and I did the same. I was going to my stage with the green screen. It was time to work.


I was doing a scene with Millie it went pretty good. We were filming in their new house. "What happened?" asked Millie and pontes at her scratches."Oh-h that's nothing. Don't worry sweetie, it just happened while I was carrying some heavy stuff. Don't worry." "Okay" said Millie and walked towards the cafeteria.

Winona was getting back to her trailer. She had brought food from home. She warmed her lasagna she made for herself last night. She sat down and started eating. *knock knock* "Come in!"

David opened the door and sent me a warm and comfortable smile. He earned one back. "Hey.." "Hi, David." "I brought you coffee" he said and flashed two Starbucks coffees. "Aww you shouldn't have!" I said happily. "Yes, you deserve it."

What did he mean with deserve? He sat down in front of me and handed me the coffee. Our hands touched shortly. Even though that didn't last more than a second I really enjoyed the short moment. I took a sip. *sips coffee* "You know just what I want. Huh?" I said and laughed. "Yeah, of course" "thanks a lot, Harbour." "You're more than welcome, Ryder." We smiled.


I loved her smile. She's goddess. Then I broke the silence.. "Winona? You know, you can tell me everything. Okay? No matter how hard it is, or how bad it is, I want you to feel like you can talk with me about everything." Winona looked away and then silently said "aww".

She looked me in my eyes and said "thank you, David. You're so nice. I-I don't deserve to be friends with you. You're too good for me. Thank you." She nervously scratched at her neck. "I mean it" I said calmly.

We both got very surprised when somebody knocked loudly at the door...

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