~ chapter 10 ~ he's a bitch

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Awww what did he just call me? I can literally feel my heart melting. Please do it! Kiss me!!! Oh god I could easily pass out.

Then it happened. The thing I've wanted for years finally happened. Love happened.

His hands gently cupped my face and then he kissed me deeply and passionately. His fingers filtered through my hair. His lips is so soft, they're just like I imagined.

Our magical moment we shared got broken by the need of air.

Then he looked at me. "Is it okay?" He nervously asked me. Eye contact.

"Shhhh." I just replied and reached for his soft hair and kissed him even deeper. We were still kissing. I think it's like a record, I've never held my breath for this long before.

Then we broke by the need of air, again. Then he smiled and I smiled even more.


I can't believe what just happened. I just kissed her. I just kissed Winona. The love of my life. And she kissed me back?!

Oh god her lips were fantastic. She was so beautiful, or I mean she IS beautiful.

I literally just stepped on my toe, to assure I wasn't dreaming. This is not a dream. This is real. This is happening. I couldn't be happier.

I couldn't help but laugh a little, so did Winona. Then I stole another kiss. One more. And another one.

Her arms were wrapped around my neck and mine were wrapped around her waist. Perfect. It felt perfect. It is perfect. I love her.

"I love you so much. I'm sorry!" She said and started crying quietly.

"What? I love you too sweetheart. I love you so much, more than you can imagine. Don't say sorry. Please, honey, tell me why you are crying."

"I just- I'm sorry that I got you into all of this. All of this with Scott. You've done so much for me, I'm very thankful for that. I'm just.. I'm sorry." She answered and started crying even more.

Then I hugged her even tighter. Then I whispered "Don't say sorry. I wanted to do all of this. Scott is the bitch here."

She laughed a little. "Yeah Scott's a bitch. Oh god I hate him."

"I think I hate him even more." I replied.

"No. That's not possible." She answered and I wiped off a tear.

"Yes. It is. Because he hurt you. And I love you, and then I just hate him. I hate him so much that I would break into the jail and possibly kill him."

She just looked me in the eyes and answered "Oh that's a good idea. But that would be too risky, we don't want you dead as well. I love you too much for that."

I kissed her forehead. "You are beautiful."

"Aw- David. Oh I- you're so adorable. Thank you! I also think you're VERY handsome."

"Oh no, I'm not." I said.

"Oh yes, you are."

I just shook my head in disagreement.

"STOP! David would you stop?"


She smiled and kissed me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked me.

"Yeah, what do you wanna watch?" I asked her.

"Maybe like a romantic one?" She said and smirked.

Winona and David ❤️Where stories live. Discover now