~ chapter 5 ~ late night vibes

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I've been staring at my phone for minutes. Now it's been an hour. Was it a mistake? Did she never plan on texting me anything? Is she okay? I felt the anger coming. I'm sure Scott has done things to her. Things that are not okay.


Scott startled me and came from behind, and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He took my phone and threw it hard on the floor, so it shattered into million pieces. Just like my heart.

"What were you doing, you bitch?!" "N-nothing.." I quickly replied. I was crying again. I don't think that the crying ever stopped. I was sweaty, bloody, disgusting and not at all presentable to anyone.

"You're such a bitch!" He yelled into my ears and pushed my back, so I was about to fall. Then he smacked me hard on my butt. Ugh, I hate when he does that. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. I'm sure he's leaving marks. "Stop!" I yelled at him and hit him on his left chin leaving some sort of redness.

Anger quickly appeared in his eyes. I overstepped the line. I knew what I did would upset him, even more than he already was. I couldn't get away. I wanted to leave so badly. But I just can't.

He slowly strangled me. Slowly and painful. Then he whispered "Don't ever do that again, or I'll hurt you." He aggressively let go of my neck. "You are already hurting me!" He gave me a look before he went out of the room. I heard him walking down the stairs to the basement. Then I had some time.

I ran to my phone. Maybe it would still be working?
I tried to turn on my phone to see if it was still alive. Or it was about to die, just like me.

It was. It was working. But I also got three notifications from David.

[12:04 PM]
Hey, Winona. Are you alright? :)

[1:25 AM]
I wasn't staring at my phone.. but where you texting me, before?

[1:33 AM]
How are you? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Call me. If there's anything. ❤️

He sent me a heart. The red one, not just like some random one. He sent me the heart. I wasn't alright. And yes, I was texting before. And no, I'm not okay.

[1:49 AM]
Hi David. Are you awake?

It only took him about a second;

[1:49 AM]
Yes I am. What are you doing? Are you okay?

Fuckfuckfuck what do I reply?

[1:50 AM]
Can we meet somewhere?

[1:50 AM]
Sorry, that was a stupid question.

Why did I do that?! I'm so stupid!

[1:51 AM]
Of course. No, it's not a stupid question. Where do you want us to meet?

Good question. Where should we meet? Winona! Think. Scott was in the basement, so maybe I could just run away. Some creepy but quiet parking lot, with nobody else but us?

[1:56 AM]
Do you wanna meet at the creepy parking lot, close to the old coffee shop?

I desperately waited for him to answer. I need him.

[1:58 AM]
Yes of course! I'll be there in ten. See you.

I ran to the entrance and grabbed the car keys. Then I opened the door. It wasn't locked, luckily. I buried to my car and got in.


I was on my way to the parking lot. I knew exactly where she wanted us to meet. We've been there once because we wanted to grab a cup of coffee. Then the barista closed the store. Since that, the parking lot has been quite empty. The perfect place to meet.

I parked my car and waited for her to join me. I spotted her car down the road, Winona parked her car next to mine. She opened the door. She had been crying. She was also bleeding and anything bad has happened to her. I was shocked. But not surprised.

I'm pissed. What the fuck did he do to her? Then I ran to her and pulled her tightly in for a hug. Then she burst out with tears. I gently rubbed her back and tried my hardest not to cry as well.

I couldn't help but ask her. "Scott is abusive, right?" She sighed. "Yeah.. I mean.. y-yes.." "That's what I thought... he's not gonna get away that easy."

"David, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry I-" she said but I stopped her. "Sshhhhhh" I hugged her tighter. Then she looked me in the eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes, I could stare into her eyes forever.

"I should've told you... about all of this.. before.. I'm so sorry David, I really am" "Hey, it's okay, I guess I kinda new it before. It didn't come as a surprise. I've never really liked him.." I kissed her hair and pulled her in for another hug. "We can talk about it, whenever you want. We don't have to do it today, if you just want to relax.."

"Okay" she gave me an exhaustive smile. "Thank you" "Always" I just replied. We were sill hugging.

That's when I realized she was freezing. "Hey.. take this" I said and took of my jacket and wrapped it around her. "Thank you" she silently replied. It was freezing so I asked her "Do you wanna get in the car or something...? It's so cold outside..you're freezing."

She nodded and we went to get in the car. I got in to my seat when I realized Winona was behind me. She gave me a look and then she got in the car too, on my seat. Together. We got comfortable in the car, somewhat next to each other. I really enjoyed this moment, even though she's been through hell and back. "Are you okay?" I genuinely concerned asked her.


"Just a hard day, that's all" I said burying my face in his chest and smelling his scent. It was amazing how being this close to David made me feel so safe, comfortable and calm. More than I've ever been.

His arms were wrapped around my tiny body. We were close. Very close. It felt so good. Somehow we were comfortable, despite the small space in the car. We both enjoyed the moment. Freedom, peace. Nothing violent, no yelling. Just peace.

Hi! Thanks for reading, you are very welcome to leave as many comments as you want. You can also click the star  and I'll be happy. Enjoy :)) 🦋💫
Xoxo @winonarydertea

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