~ chapter 11 ~ sleeping beauty

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She was so beautiful when she was asleep. Also when she was sleeping. Sleeping beauty. She's always beautiful. I didn't want to wake her up, so I've been laying here, cuddled up behind her, for one and a half hour. This was probably the best feeling ever.

I squeezed her even tighter and then I kissed her cheek. Just like she used to do when we took selfies.. the only difference now, is that we're together. We're allowed to kiss other places than just the cheeks. But I still enjoyed it though, it's lovely. She's lovely.


Oh I feel so good right now. I opened my eyes and looked confused around me. What? Then suddenly David was cuddled up behind me and he kissed my cheek. OH SHIT this wasn't a dream. This it real. I just remembered I was in the love of my life's arms. I smiled.

"Hi David." I whispered to him.

"Good morning my love." He said and kissed my cheek again.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed when his lips touched my skin.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"Oh Winona, I've never slept better - I mean it. Like I was just with my person. The love of my life. I was with you. I slept so good. How did you sleep, honey?" He answered.

"Oh I slept so good. I feel so safe when I'm with you... and it makes it all better when it's my person. David you're my person. I love you. But I'm kinda tired.."

"You're my person too. I love you baby." He said and filtered my hair. Massaging my hair.

"David please never stop doing that. It feels so good..."

"I'm only stopping when you tell me to stop. Your hair is really pretty, you are very beautiful."

"Aww when did I get so lucky? Thank you... but no, I'm not. It's in the middle of the morning! I look like trash."

"NO Winona! Stop! You are SO beautiful and so perfect. Stop lying, it's not cool."


"YES. You are the prettiest, most beautiful woman in this entire universe. LET THAT SINK IN."

I gave him a look. He just kissed me, deeply.

"But I still look like trash.." I said in between the many kisses.

"Winona stop. If you won't stop then I won't play with your hair." He said and stopped massaging my hair or scalp..

"Hey that's unfair! Okay.. I'll stop now.." I said and gave him a tricky angry look.

"No it's totally fair." He said and I kissed him very deep on his lips. We kept kissing until we needed air.

"Aw David I love you so much." I told him.

"I love you too!" He said and kissed me again. He started doing the thing he were so good at - playing with my hair. I'm not sure what he's doing, but he looks so cute when he does it and it feels so damn good.

"Mmm. Do you wanna like wake up?" He asked me but looked kinda tired.

"No actually, I would much rather just.. stay here. I'm sooo tired." I answered him.

"Yeah me too." He replied.

"Did you not get very much sleep?" I asked him.

"Yes, I got plenty of sleep."

"Don't lie to me, David."

"Okay I didn't.. I just.. I mean I slept good when I was sleeping. But of course, I had to make sure you were still there. And I had to make sure you were okay."

Winona and David ❤️Where stories live. Discover now