~ chapter 6 ~ fancy apartment

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My arms were wrapped around her beautiful tiny body. She was with me. She was in my arms. She was in my car. And she was also in the same seat as me. We were very close, and it felt so good. I don't want to ask her too much about it today, I think I'm gonna ask her tomorrow. Even though it's so late, that it's actually morning.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything will be okay." I whispered and rubbed her back. No answer. That was when I realized she was asleep. In my arms. Not anyone else's, but mine. She was sleeping right next to me or should I say on top of me?

There wasn't much space in the car, so we somehow sat there together. That made my heart skip a beat. I'm not sure she had slept for days, so I'm just gonna let her sleep right here, in my arms.

I don't want to fall asleep too, in case he would come after Winona.. then I just had to be awake. Self conscious and available, if she needed me.

Minutes passed and hours passed. I was a little tired, but she needed it much more than I do.

I looked at my watch and saw the time was 6:33 AM.
Winona started moving a little.


I was very comfortable despite everything. I was in his arms. I'm inside his car.. and the best part.. I'm in the same seat as him. Then I slowly woke up, I'm not sure how long I've been 'away'. I looked at his blue ocean eyes. I think I'm in love. Eye contact.

"Hey, how do you feel? Sorry- stupid question!" "Nooo, it's not a stupid question... I feel... better, than before." I answered and gave him a little smile. I quickly earned one back.

"Do you wanna- I mean.. do you wanna go somewhere? I mean a parking lot is not the most practical place, and I don't think you should go home. Or I don't want you to go home, that's too dangerous. Also, you are more than welcome to stay at my place for the night..if you want.."

"Yeah, I'm- you're totally right.. I don't want to go home. It doesn't even feel like home. Yeah, that'd be nice. I'd love that." I nervously said.

"Yes, of course, I'm not sure it would be safe if you're still gonna sit on my lap while driving..." he asked and gave me a smile. "Haha, I'm just gonna go sit next to you then, you really want me to be safe and all, huh?" I said and laughed. He was definitely blushing.

"Yeah.. of course I want you to be safe. I always want that." He made me smile, oh my gosh, how can someone care about me this much? Shit. I think I'm blushing too.

"Okay.. then I'm gonna.. umm.. I'm gonna sit there then.. than- thank you, for that, for everything."


"That was nothing. Wait- not that it meant nothing.. um.. it's.. what I meant.. was of course or sure it's something. It wasn't nothing it was very nice."
Shit. What did I do? It wasn't nothing! It meant everything to me. I'm literally so retarded.

She just smiled. I thought she would get out of the car, but instead she just crawled over me. Like it was nothing.Wow. I can't believe how much I enjoyed the few seconds our bodies were so close. We were very close.

Then she was sitting in the seat, right next to me. She's so beautiful, everything about her is. I'm not thinking I'm in love anymore. I know it. I am in love with her. I'm madly in love with her. "David?" I was lost in my mind when she interrupted my swarming thoughts.

"Yeah.. sure?" I answered. "What were you thinking about? Are we gonna drive today..? She chuckled. "Yeah, yeah of course, I- I wasn't thinking about anything.."

Winona and David ❤️Where stories live. Discover now