~ chapter 4 pt 1 ~ a hurting heart

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The first thought that came across my mind was Scott. Is it Scott who's knocking on the door? If it is, I swear to god, I'm gonna be real pissed. I'm so scared and terrified. David gave me a look. He thought the same.

David looked like he was gonna tell me something but then he got interrupted. The door opened and Matt told us to get back to work.

Jesus. It was just Matt, he said "alright guys, enough with the chitchat, let's get to work." I think I might've passed out if it was Scott. Because he wouldn't like the thought about me and David having a conversation together, alone.

David said "we're coming!" and got up from his seat offering me his hand to help me get up too. It wasn't hard in any way to get up from a seat, he was just nice to me. He always has been. He's a true gentleman.

"Thank you, my gentleman" I whispered. He unfortunately let go of my hand. I love his hand it was warm, soft and I felt  really comfortable. Wow, he was just so incredibly charming and so nice. "My pleasure" he just said like it was nothing. It wasn't nothing for me. It meant everything for me. He comforts me. I am so jealous at Lily. And she doesn't even treat him well! God. She's just a real stupid bitch.


We were done filming and it went pretty good. They finished taking off all of my makeup so I walked towards Winona's trailer. I hoped she would be there and I hoped she would say something or tell me something more about the tragedy that might've happened to her.

*knock knock* "Come in?" she said carefully and I opened the door. "Hi." "Hi, David." She gave me a wonderful smile. "You can just sit down if you want.." I nodded and I sat down.

Winona was taking off her makeup. Then she said "by the way after I'm finished taking off my makeup, you're probably gonna get terrified because then I'm even more ugly and then you won't recognize me" she said and laughed. But it wasn't fun at all.

What? Does she think she's ugly? Is she blind? "What-? No. NO! You are not ugly. You're not ugly at all! You are very beautiful, Winona. You really are. Haven't you looked yourself in the mirror lately?"

Winona giggled a little. Then she looked at me and we got eye contact "aww.. oh.. thank you, Harbour. Thanks a lot" she smiled and she was definitely blushing. I think I was too.. then she looked away.

I was really telling the truth. If it wouldn't have been so obvious I would have just told her that she really is the most beautiful and gorgeous human being on this planet. Well in my opinion she is. But I think she would think that I'm weird or something.


He just told me I was beautiful. Wow. He's such a nice guy! I can't believe what he just told me.

"Could you hand me my smart water?" I asked and pointed at the water bottle near David. "Yeah, of course" he said and handed me the bottle.
"Thanks". *sips water*

I had just finished taking off my makeup, when David asked me "are you sure there's nothing.. with your wrist.. did somebody hurt you? Because I'm here for you. I want to help you, Winona. If there's anything."

Oh my god- what am I gonna say? He knew I was lying, that's for sure. Oh holy fuck. Fuckfyckfuck. How can he be so caring? He's such a nice caring man. Did somebody hurt you? I think he referred to Scott. "Everything is fine, I told you." David just gave me a look. I don't think he believes in me. He knows me too well.

Then David said "I should probably.. um get home..." that made me kinda sad. "Yeah.. me too, I didn't realize it was that late. But this was a nice first day." I said and he smiled and said "yeah, it really was. Come." I gave him a sad smile and followed him.

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