aprils new life

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Isabelle opened the big entry door and April immediately fell in love with the the school. She didn't like the building on the outside, but April loved the hallways, classrooms and everything else, she started liking this school and was looking forward for the time there.
,,And thats the common room'', Isabelle said after showing April the whole school, ,,here you will probably spend a lot of time with your friends.''
Isabelle smiled softly, walked into the common room and asked April to follow her. The common room was a huge room with many tables, chairs, sofas, tv's, games, books and a lot of more, many people were sitting and laughing there, playing games or eating.
April felt like she belonged here. She belonged into that school, here she finally would find her happiness.
After leaving the common room Isabelle showed April all the rooms in the second floor, there were many classrooms and the library.
,,Here you'll have science, french, maths, art and history. In the first floor you'll have english and french.'' Isabelle walked around pointing at the rooms for each subject.
,,And now i'll show you the bedrooms, come with me.'' April followed Isabelle, she was so excited to finally see the bedrooms.
They entered the third floor and had to go through a glass hallway, this was fascinating. On the left April saw a nig schoolyard with a baseball field and many tables to eat lunch at. On the right there were big fields and a lake, everything was so beautiful.
April and Isabelle reached the end of the hallway, Isabelle stopped and started talking.
,,Here are the bedrooms, the girls rooms are on the left and the boys rooms on the right. You are allowed to spend time in the boys rooms, but only until 10pm. At 10pm everyone has to be in their own room and at 11pm everyone has to be asleep.''
April didn't like these rules, they were boring, but she was okay with that, because she still planned to sneak out and have fun at night, just as she always did.
,,And now let me show you your room, April.'' Isabelle smiled softly again, April loved this smile. And April also loved the way Isabelle pronounced her name, she had a british accent and that was just the cutest thing ever.
After walking a while through the long hallway, Isabelle stopped. She took out her keys and opened the room with the number '47'.
Isabelle walked into the room and April followed her, she was really excited to finally have an own room and privacy. But when she entered the room and saw two closets, two beds and two tables, she was shoked.
,,This is your room, April, i forgot to tell you that you'll have to share it with another girl.''
'Holy crap', April thought, 'i hate people.'
And even if April tried to hide her disappointment, she didn't suceed. Isabelle noticed that April was upset and really tried to make her feel better, she is such a kind person.
,,April, don't worry, the girl you'll share your room with is a really nice and sweet girl, her name is Allyson Rutherford and she'll arive tomorrow. You both will be the new girls so you can show each other around or get to know new places together, thats lovely, isn't it?'' April looked into Isabelles eyes and immediately felt better. Isabelle made her feel good, and she really started liking Isabelle, as a teacher and also kinda as a mother. Not as her own mother, but just as the person who cared about her, because Isabelle was everything April ever wanted her mother to be.
April started thinking about her family and her mother, her mom wasn't a really bad mother, she just didn't really care about April, what really hurt her. It wasn't Aprils moms fault that April had a hard time, but her mom could've supported her, she could've helped her or talked to her.
,,April, are you alright?'', Isabelle asked with a worried look on her face. First April didn't understand, why Isabelle asked that question, but then April reallised she was crying.
Isabelle came one step closer to April, touched Aprils cheek with her soft tiny hand and wiped Aprils tears away.
,,Don't worry about it, April, everything will be alright.'', Isabelle said, before she started walking to the door.
,,Dinner is at 6pm, but if you are to exhausted today you can stay in your room. I'll leave you alone now, you probably want to have some time for yourself.''
Isabelle smiled one last time and closed the door. And even if April was really tired and exhausted, she wanted nothing more than to be with Isabelle.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now