the new group

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,,Ally, wake up, we're late.'', April said while she was putting on a black skirt.
,,What? It's sunday, relax!'' Ally threw a pillow at April, who just started laughing.
,,Didn't you listen to Isabelle?'',April asked.
,,On sundays everyone have to be at the dining room at 8am, because Isabelle talks about the most important news of the week.''
Ally immediately got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
,,Ugh, i have to look good, it's my first day here.'', Ally said while doing her hair.
,,You look absolutely gorgeous, don't worry.'' April smiled, while saying that.
,,Thank you so much, but look at you.''
They both smiled at each other, while getting ready to go downstairs.

,,Good morning guys, i hope you had a great sleep.'', April and Ally heard Isabelle saying as they walked into the dining room. April noticed that Isabelle looked stunning, as always.
,,I'd like to introduce you to the new students, Ally and April, could you please come to me.'', Isabelle said to everyone, while smiling at the girls.
,,God, thats embarassing, but let's go.'', Ally said, while pushing April forward to the stage.
,,That are April Almond and Allyson Rutherford, if they need help to find something please help them out.'' Isabelle put her hand on Aprils shoulder and slowly stroked her back. April shuddered at this touch, Isabelles hand was so soft and felt so good.
After Isabelle left the stage everyone sat down and started eating.
,,Ally, let's sit down there, those people look nice.'' April pointed at a table for 8 people, 2 spots were free. Ally and April decided to sit there.

,,Hey, can we both sit here?'', Ally asked a blonde and really pretty girl.
,,Yea, of course you can.'' The girls sat down and started eating. They were talking to the group of people and laughing, everyone seemed nice.
In the group there were 6 people, first there was the blonde girl who let them sit at the table, her name was Marja.
Marja's honey blonde hair was perfectly straight and her blue eyes were shining, she was so pretty. Marja was wearing a pink juicy couture jogging suit and a black oversized jacket.
Then there was Ava, she wasn't talking that much but she also seemed nice. Ava had brown, wavy hair and also brown eyes, she was wearing a college jacket that might have belonged to her boyfriend.
The third one was a pretty shy girl called Nicole, but she seemed really nice and kind. She wasn't talking a lot, but she was smiling at April and Ally all the time.
Her blonde hair was really light, as were her blue eyes. She was wearing a cozy, dark green sweather and April noticed, that she was staring at this one girl all the time.
This girl's name was Luna, she talked and laughed a lot and also seemed nice. She looked a bit like Nicole, but her hair and eyes were a bit darker, and she was wearing a purple mini dress with white flowers on it.
There was another girl in the group, Camila.
Camila looked like a model, she had perfect dark brown hair and eyes, the mini skirt and the cardigan, she was wearing, also looked perfect.
And the last person in the group was a boy, the only boy.
His name was Samuel and he wasn't like all the people in the group. He was wearing expensive clothes and looked really properly, no one had any idea why he was in this school, this was a school for 'difficult' children, that's what they call it's like.

After breakfast the new group decided to go outside and show Ally and April everything, April already knew everything because of her night walks, but she wouldn't tell anyone.
April was happy to finally have real friends to spend time with, she slowly could trust people again.
They were walking through the fields, the school yard, everywhere. April enjoyed this morning so much, she really loved the new school, the people and, of course, Isabelle.
And while she was thinking of Isabelle and walking down the school yard, April turned around and saw Isabelle standing there, looking at her and smiling.
Aprils group slowly moved away, but April didn't go with them, she stayed there looking at Isabelle, it was such an amazing moment.
Then Isabelle came over to April, while she was still looking at April and smiling.
,,I think your group went somewhere without you, why are you still here?'', Isabelle asked, even if she exactly knew the answer.
,,Hm, i don't know, i think i just thought about something and forgot about my friends.'', April lied, even if she felt like Isabelle knew the truth.
April just wanted to ask Isabelle another question, because she was really happy to talk to Isabelle, but then she got interrupted.
,,April, can i talk to you?'' April turned around and saw Katie standing there and smiling.
April remembered what happened, she felt so bad for Katie.

the beginning of an end | sarah paulson as IsabelleWhere stories live. Discover now